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You awoke the next morning to your mother in your room laying out clothing.

"Mom???" You asked in a sleepy voice whole rubbing your eyes.
"Ahh! Y/n! Good morning. Kenny called this morning suggesting you and Levi have a very important conversation this afternoon at their home. They're sending the limo to pick you up." She explained and pointed to a nice shirt with a skirt to match.

"You'll wear these."
You sat up and walked over to the clothes. The skirt stopped just above your knees, it was shorter than what you would normally wear.
"Mom...?" You questioned holding up the skirt. She looked shocked.
"Oh my... it does appear to be short... oh well I can't fix it right now, your father asked me to go with him today to pick the location for the store well be working out of!" She beamed with excitement and danced out of your room.

You clenched the skirt in your hands and grunted.
Begrudgingly you got dressed and gave a sigh when you looked at yourself in the mirror. You ran a brush through your thick (hair length) hair and sighed. You grabbed your phone, and turned the screen on to see any notifications you might have. your reminder notification on reminding you that the party was tomorrow. You ignored it and slowly left your room and went downstairs where your mother was staring out the window.

"Remember y/n... behave yourself... if Mr Ackerman wants to talk let him talk..." she cautioned before walking over to you and giving you a hug.
"Remember sweetie... this is a better life for us and for you!" She reminded before patting you out the door.
"Love you!" She called after you.
"Love you too.." You sighed before nodding to the butler man who opened the door for you. The inside of the limo was really neat. It had a mini fridge and a small tv. You climbed inside and the butler man joined you sitting across from you. He was an elderly man with a big gray mustache and kind eyes.
"Would you like a drink miss y/n.?" He asked in his sweet tired sounding voice. You smiled.
"No thank you."
He gave a nod and placed his hands comfortably in his lap.

You bit your lip. You detested quiet car rides.. so you clenched your fists.

"So you know my name, but I don't know yours." You broke the silence and he gasped a little, before smiling warmly, when he did it made his eyes squint.
"My name is patrick, Madame " he answered.
"So you work for levi?" You asked and he nodded.
"I work for Levi, his uncle Kenny, and anyone else who lives in the home." He answered.

You nodded.
"Is levi.. always annoyed?" You asked and he looked shocked by the question.
"Oh heavans no. Mr Ackerman is quite the jokester at times. You just have to get to know him." He smiled again.

You leaned back against the seat and laughed.
"If I can even get close to him... so why do you butler, of you don't mind my asking." You questioned and he tapped his chin.
"Well... originally it was just so I can earn money.. but now I have grandkids to spoil." He cheerfully explained and handed you a picture from his wallet. In the photo, was him with two little girls on his lap, with a baby on the floor infront of him.
You smiled and handed the picture back to him.

"Very cute! So you must spoil them rotten huh?" You giggled and he nodded.
"Oh every chance I get."

You both laughed and he smiled.
"So miss y/n.. do you have any siblings?" He asked and you shook your head.
His face softened.
"You must be lonely...." he whimpered.
You nodded.
"But growing up I had my three best friends... so I was never alone."
His face lit up into a smile.
"Well I'm glad."
The two of you kept talking about everything, and conversation felt so easy with this man and you weren't sure why.
You didn't even notice that the limo had just pulled into two large gates leading to a mansion.

You pressed your face against the window looking up at it. It was big without being obnoxious, and had a beautiful front yard.
You gulped as Patrick opened the door for you and helped you step out of the limo.
He led you inside through the large front doors, just as Levi made his way down the stairs, wearing a tight gray long sleeve shirt and a cigarette hanging from his lips.

You tugged on your skirt trying to keep yourself covered as he clicked his tongue and put the cigarette out.
"Thanks Patrick. You can go do your other task now." Levi snarled and Patrick bowed.
"Right away sir. Very nice meeting with you y/n." You smiled as he walked off.
Levi motioned for you to sit down on the expensive looking couch. You smoothed your skirt down again and sat down.
Levi stared at you with his same stoic expression.
You decided to make conversation.

"So... I got the pleasure of meeting your friends yesterday..." You began.

"I know." He declared menacingly.
You whimpered and looked down.
"Tell me y/n.." he began and sat on the coffee table directly across from you.
You looked into his scary gray eyes and gulped.
You hatred this feeling, you felt like a kid who had gotten introuble.
Levi looked you up and down.
"Why are you dressed like that?"

You felt your face heat up and you rolled your eyes.
"For your information my mother made me.. she couldn't fix the skirt she probrably measured wrong..." You explained and he shook his head disapproving.
"It makes you look cheap."
You felt your blood pressure rise as he stood up and turned his back to you.
That's when you remembered what your mother told you yesterday.

"So levi... if you had a meeting yesterday why didn't you include my father? He DID go to the a ckerman building for a meeting but said you weren't there." You questioned and he stiffened.
He turned his head to look over his shoulder and clenched his fist, the muscle in his back poking through his shirt. You shuddered for a moment but shook it off.
"So now you're spying on me?" He growled.
You groaned and covered your face out of anger.
It's been 4 days since you met this man and every day was something new with him. And you still knew nothing about him, just that he loved holding cups weird and being rude to people.

You shook your head not removing your hands.
"My mother told me..." You admitted. You heard the click if his heels against the hard wood flooring and his hand touching yours as he removed them from your eyes.
"I did have a meeting. Jist not with your father. With someone more important." He explained as gentle as he could. He was so close you could smell the intoxicating smell of his cologne.
You studied his face, and wondered out of nowhere what it would be like to touch it, so you did. You ran your fingers across his jawline.

He shoved your hand away and backed up with a disgusted look on his face.
You felt the embarrassment rise in your stomach as he clicked his tongue and turned away.
"This isn't why I called you here... Kenny said I needed to talk to you about the importance of tomorrow." He grumbled as you composed yourself.
"Tomorrow is important, as I have already explained it will be televised. Nobody must know what tomorrow is for untill the announcement is made. Everyone invited, thinks it's a party thrown by my uncle celebrating a buisness deal.

"Wait seriously?" You asked and he nodded.
"Everyone has importance. You will stick with me the whole night, you are NOT to run off... they will corner you and ask questions we cannot reveal. Remember, if any reporters, or buisness leaders ask, we are madly inlove."

You nodded as he began pacing infront of you.
"I will do the talking, you will stand and look decent." He ordered which made your stomach tighten again.
You nodded however and gave a sigh.
"And I don't care who is around .." he began as the door opened.
" will stay with me." He finished as the door revealed your three absolute best friends waiting on the other side.

Arranged Love  (Aot  Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now