levis pov

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Levis pov

Levi pulled into petras house and sits in the drive way thinking about how you looked.

"I love you levi!"
He shook it from his head and he remembered how Patrick looked after you dropped him off at the mansion.

"Sir please rethink this, y/n was forced into that kiss she had no idea he would do that..." Levi remembered Patrick saying before he got out of the car.
Petra opened her door and smiled rushing to the car.

"Levi! I got your text! I'm so sorry she cheated on you..." she cried.
Levi didn't speak as he closed his car door.
"It was all fake anyway... the engagement was a buisness engagement... a marriage to satisfy both companies into a contract. But I cannot accept it anymore.."
As he spoke his stomach knotted up. It was a feeling he never experienced before. He thought about you, when You dropped to your knees after he said what he said. He rubbed his temples and felt his stomach knot up more.

"Levi..?" Petra asked and he shook his head.
"I'm fine... I'm sorry it took so long for me to get here..." he apologized and she smiled.
"It's no problem... so what are you going to do now levi?" She asked and he shrugged.

"We agreed we would... call off the wedding."


He winced and rubbed his temples some more.
There's no way I can love her...
He thought to himself as his grey eyes met petras beautiful green ones.
"I'm glad you came here Levi..."she sighed with a smile and wrapped hee arms around Levi, rubbing her face against his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in close.

He closed his eyes for a moment and he thought about you. He remembered how it felt when he woke up with you in his bed the first time, when his arms were around you.
It felt so natural around your body. Like he was made for it...

He shook away the thought and let Petra go.
"Let's go inside shall we?" He asked and she nodded.
"Of course! I can make us some tea. " she exclaimed and rushed inside. Levi began walking inside and began remembering the first date the two of you had and how you looked staring at that painting.

He was amazed at how something so minimal, made you feel so much.
It reminded him of his mother before she got sick.
"Stop levi.." he told himself before following Petra inside.


"Wow... I knew she was a brat from the start..." Petra snickered as she sipped her tea.
Levi sipped his as well not responding.
The knot in his stomach began fading as he thought about how beautiful Petra looked sitting there, drinking her tea. Some how you crossed his mind and he imagined you there...

Levi clicked his tongue and looked away.
"Levi... do you remember when we kissed?" Petra asked and Levi nodded.
"I do."

Levi thought back to when he first decided to take on the company, Petra was afraid he would forget about his friends and her.

"That won't happen Petra..." he spoke. She wiped the tears in her eyes and nodded.
"But what if it does... we can't lose you Levi . " she cried. Levi looked at her sympathetically as she looked up at him.
"I can't lose you..."
"And you wont..."

And in that moment Levi decided to kiss her. The kiss was only a second but he remembered feeling so many emotions soar through his body when their lips touched. When he pulled away she once again wiped the tears from her eyes.

"I love you levi"

He gave a sigh and loomed at her now.
Things changed since then, he had been so focused on training he barley sees anyone anymore nor did he want to.
He wanted to focus on getting work done and establishing the company under his name.
She played with a strand of her red hair and looked at Levi.

"Istill love you levi..."

"I love you Levi"

He gasped thinking about you hitting the floor as Petra stood and walked over to Levi removing the cup from his hand and sitting on his lap placing her hands on his shoulders and leaving in untill her lips met his in a passionate kiss.
Levi swore he heard the sound of a camera clicking as he closed his eyes but ignored it trying to feel something that wasn't there.

He couldn't believe it..
Her kiss was bland.
As she moved her lips against his he felt nothing, and thought about you.

How his lips felt against your lips.
He pushed away from Petra knocking her down from his lap and he stood.
The knot in his stomach was so big he felt like throwing up.

"I..." he began and she looked shocked.
"I'm sorry petra... i..." he gulped.


"I have to go... I think I owe.. y/n.."
Her face twisted from shock to disgust.
"After all this time... after everything.. you pick the girl you're forced to be with? Fine. Be that way but you will never be welcome here again levi." She spat as tears filled her eyes.
Levi smirked and nodded.
"I'm fine with that Petra. " he ran out the door and straight to his car thinking about you.
"Y/n..." he cried as he pulled his phone out and called you.

It rang.

And rang

And rang

And rang......

No response...

He threw his phone into the passenger seat and threw his key in the ignition and sped out of the drove way heading back for the apartments.

"Y/n... why won't you answer."

Aaahhh I'm so sorry guys... we're about to be done with this  😭 I cry.

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