softer side

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Not long after you climbed into bed did you hear Levi stumble out of the bathroom.
"Tch.." he clicked and pulled the covers back sliding into bed next to you.
"I can't believe you have to be HERE." He growled and you nodded.
"You know what... I agree." You added and hugged yourself.
"If you agree then why don't you go snuggle up with eren." He snarled and you sat up and faced him. In the darkness you could barley make out his silhouette in the darkness, that was only illuminated by the dim blue light of the alarm clock.
"Maybe i will." You spat. He reached over and grabbed your wrist tightly in his cold hand.

"Then fucking do it." He growled. You pulled your hand away and whined.
"Levi! Why can't we just coexist peacefully?" You asked and he sat up with you.
"How about you listen for once and do as your told." He spat back.
"I have been and you're not making this easy Levi! I don't want to marry you as much as you don't want to marry me! Now let's just get some sleep PLEASE!" You begged and the room went silent.

Levi nodded and laid back down on the pillow and you followed suit, your arm accidentally touching his bare back which gave you chills.
You laid on your back staring at the ceiling trying to collect your thoughts, as an annoyed Levi shifted against you.
"Can you PLEASE scoot over. I don't want to touch you as I sleep." Levi complained and you complied.

You shifted around accidently brushing levis leg with your foot and whimpering as you pulled it away. You couldn't get comfortable at all and you knew sleep would be impossible, since Levi was still a stranger to you.
Levi grunted and turned towards you facing you now.

You winced and braced yourself for his harshness.
"Y/n... you can relax. I'm not going to hurt you.." he began in a softer time than usual. You blinked and opened your mouth to speak but he silenced you.
"Here..." he reached his arm around you and took one of the pillows from your side and put it between the two of you.
You blinked again and he laid back down facing away from you.
"There.. i hope you'll be able to sleep now..." he whispered.

You felt your heart ache for a moment and nodded.
"Thank you Levi....." You whispered before drifting off, listening to the soft sounds of his breathing, which was comforting, oddly.

He grunted as he fell into sleep, which startled you but only for a moment as you finally drifted to sleep, thinking about the kiss, er... the almost kiss.

You awoke with a gasp and looked over at the clock. The sun hasent even rose yet why is it going off??
You went to sit up but realized you couldn't move. That's when you felt the weight of levis arm draped across your body.

The pillow did nothing!
You gasped again as his eyes opened and he jumped up looking at his arm like he didn't control it.


He slammed his fist down on the alarm and gave a sigh.
"Sorry.. I usually wake up this early." He explained in a sleepy voice that made your hair stand up in goosebumps.
You stared at him with a blank expression as he stretched watching each muscle on his body flex as he moved.

His eyes met yours and his face went cold.
"What?" He asked sharply. You shook your head and laid back down, Levi following suit.
"We tell nobody about this." He demanded and you nodded.

"Yes levi.."

Arranged Love  (Aot  Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now