just a few hours...

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You couldn't believe your eyes as armin ran sprinting towards you wrapping you in a hug.
"ARMIN???? EREN MIKASA!" You shouted as eren came in mext wrapping you in a hug. Mikasa fist bumped you and exchanged a look with Levi. Levi clicked his tongue.

"I called your friends in town to participate in the party tomorrow so you wouldn't be completley alone." He explained as armin nodded.
"We got to ride in a limo!" Armin cheered before walking to levi.
"I can't believe I'm talking to you. Oh my gosh! What's it like being a celebrity?" Armin asked in his typical fan boy manner. Mikasa pulled him back and lectured him.
"Nice place Levi. " eren stammered trying to play it cool.
"Thank you levi!" You exclaimed as eren gave you a smile.

"So you made a pretty important friend eh?" He joked and wrapped you in another hug. It felt, good being in erens arms again, and you wrapped your arms back around him before you caught levis evil stare.
You let go of eren and pulled on your skirt.
"Patrick... show them up to their room." Levi ordered and patric nodded taking their suitcases and leading them upstairs.
You followed happily as Levi lit another cigarette.

"I can't believe I'm staying here!" Mikasa sighed laying on the bed.
Eren nodded and patted her hand." Don't worry, this won't turn us into rich assholes." He joked while armin took a picture of everything.
You giggled and sat next to mikasa who sat up as eren opened the door leading to the hallway.
"I think I'm gonna go explore..." He whispered seriously.
"Eren Jaeger! I'm coming too." Mikasa demanded and glued herself to erens side.

"Go ahead. I need to talk to y/n!" Armin called after them while the door fell closed.
You tilted your head curiously as armin sat next to you and twirled his thumbs.

"You know we're your best friends right y/n..?" He asked and you nodded.
"Ofcourse... I think about you all the time. I've been busy so I couldn't call or text much..." You lied as armin bit his lip.
"Well.... I have a theory .." He began and your stomach churned. Remembering your mother's caution about armin finding out.
"Whatever it is armin don't jump to conclusions..." You laughed nervously.
Armin looked away and nodded.
"If what I think is true... You could have just told us..."

You held yourself and shook your head.
"Well what if it wouldn't have been easy... wjat if I wouldn't have been allowed..."

He looked over at you with a worried expression.
"You're engaged to Levi...." He gasped.
You nodded defeated.

"Armin I'm trusting you NOT to tell eren.... or mikasa.. act as shocked as you can tomorrow...." You begged. He nodded and grabbed your hands.
"Do you love him?.... I always thought you liked eren..." He admitted and you felt your face warm up.
"Umm... no... I dont... it's kind of for buisness... You can't tell a soul!!" You whined and he smiled.
"I wouldn't dream of it.." he sealed his promise with a hug. And you hugged back. Eren and mikasa came back in followed by Patrick who was smiling.
"Miss y/n it's getting awfully late and Mr Ackerman requested that you go home and get rest."

Eren gave a sigh and looked at you.
"Don't worry... well be in town for a few days. Plus we can hang out tomorrow... at the party.." He offered with his cheeks turning red. You smiled at him and nodded.
"I'm excited. I'll see you guys soon... " you promised as Patrick led you out of the room and towards the main room where Levi was standing.

"I must say y/n your friends are as delightful as you explained." He chatted as the two of you approached Levi. He was once again staring out the window at the lawn, his keys in hand.
"Thank you" you giggled and he bowed before leaving.
"See to it her friends don't break anything." Levi growled to the maid that walked by. She nodded and ran off.
Levi motioned for you to come to the door and the two of you walked out of it.

Levi pulled into the drive way at your house and put the car in park staring at his hands on the wheel again.
You bit your lip ready to burst out of the car after the embarrassment today pkus the silent car ride you just wanted to talk to your parents.
Levi sighed and looked over at you.
"It wasn't easy getting your friends here, I hope you'll forgive my outburst yesterday." He growled.

With that tone of voice you weren't sure you could honestly do that. But you nodded anyway.
"Good. Now go sleep, we have a long day tomorrow. " he ordered without staring at you.
You bit your lip and began opening the door before you thought about how you touched his face earlier and how he reacted.

"Sorry... for earlier when I touched you I don't know what came over me..." You spoke and he didn't look at you.
"I don't care about that.. tch." He clicked as you got out shutting the door behind you. Without a second to spare he peeled out of the drive way, leaving you behind in the dark.
You flicked him off as he sped off and gave a sigh walking into your house.

Your mom greeted you at the door and held up a cute cover that matched your dress.
"You can drape this over your arms and it'll dress up the look tomorrow!" She squealed and your father snored on the couch.
You nodded and took a seat on the couch adjacent to his. Your mother looked shocked for a moment probrably because you never sit with her anymore.

"What's on your mind sweetie?" She asked.
You told her all about how your friends are in town and how Levi is letting them stay at his estate with him.
Your mother smiled and began putting her supplies away.
"See? He can be nice." She began before turning away from you and sighing.
"Also your father and I discussed it... we know that you two picked an apartment and we think it would be a good idea for you to stay the night at levis tomorrow night to get a feel for living with him.. which, once the papers are ready, you will be.."

You gasped.

"I still don't know him mom and I'm still not ok with this." You spat
"You don't have a choice!" She yelled before you walked to your room and putting your phone on charge.

This is it...
You thought while staring at your reflection.
Starting tomorrow I'm no longer officially single....You thought to yourself and felt a surge of anger as you pushed the vanity against the wall knocking everything to the floor.
You dropped onto your bed and put your face in your hands and cried.

Your whole life would be different now...
How can you keep up with such a change?

So it just occurred to me I have like ZERO FILLERS :(
I have some funny moments planned up for you and Levi soon. Stay tuned:)

Arranged Love  (Aot  Levi x Reader)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara