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Y/n!" Your mom sang as you closed the front door behind you. You leaned against it as she folded a new shirt she made neatly on the table.
"HOW was it?" Your father asked while smoking another one of his cheap cigars, leaned back in the recliner.
You gave a sigh and looked directly at your mother.

"So I'm not supposed to speak at MY engagement party in a couple days, that I knew NOTHING ABOUT?" You snapped and she gave you a tired look.

"I was going to tell you.." she began.

"When? The day of the celebration?" You shouted. She looked defeated and bit her lower lip.

Your father cleared his throat.
"Excuse me young lady but that is NO way to talk to your mother. Now go to your room..." he demanded. You crossed your arms and he sat up.
"I'm serious. Get your ass up there now." He demanded.

"Why? I'm an ADULT now. I'm getting married in a few months!" You shouted and he stood up angrily snatching you by the arm and shoving you towards the stairs.
"Good, then maybe you should learn to respect your elders, especially your damn parents. Now get to your room!" He demanded and you held your arm where he shoved you, the pain from where he gripped you was searing through your arm.
You nodded and went upstairs slamming your bedroom door behind you and sitting on your bed reflecting how today went.
Remembering levis cautious words, how he yelled at that man, and how he softened up towards petra..

You hugged your knees and birdied your face in them feeling your phone buzz against your leg.
You reached for it and lifted your head up a small bit staring at your screen seeing a missed call from eren and a text from Levi.

The text read:
"I wont be seeing you tomorrow. I have a meeting."

You left him on open and debated on calling eren back. He was probrably just worried.. But you didn't want to add more fuel to the fire of anger in your parents.

You placed your phone down and laid flat on your back thinking about Levi again, and how he looked at you when you both were next to the window. You wondered how he could look so kind and gentle if he's so hard to talk to..

You closed your eyes and sighed before drifting off into sleep.

Arranged Love  (Aot  Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now