Don't do that again

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You fixed your hair in the vanity mirror in your room and gave a sigh. When your laptop suddenly rang that annoying Skype call request tune. You sat down on your bed and clicked the accept button.
You were greeted by eren and mikasa smiling at you.
Then another screen popped up with armins face.

"Hey" you sighed with a smile and armins face lit up.
"Y/n!!! It's been a week since I've seen you." Armin cried and gave a smile.
Eren nodded and added
"How is the beautiful town of Maria? Are your parents settled?"

You nodded and gave a sigh.
"Yeah. We've been here two weeks and they already have a good lead on their buisness...." you began and gave a sigh looking towards your window thinking about Levi.
"Well that's a relief." Mikasa cooed and wiped imaginary sweat from her forehead.
"So did your parents hire you on their buisness like you were hoping?" Armin asked as eren looked down and began reading his phone.

"No not yet... " you started wondering if you should tell them about the marriage. You didn't ask your mother if you would be able to get before the engagement is announced but you didn't care.
"Have you made any friends yet?" Eren finally asked while looking up from his phone.
You clenched your teeth together and shrugged.

"I mean..
Kind of? We met today and-" you began before armin interrupted with a yell.
"Wait... i just got an alert about celebrity drama." He began. You remembered how armin liked keeping up with it, he always told you it was his way to feel like he was all over the world.
You looked at armin on the screen who stared intently.
"Co-owner of the trading guns company and loved by all women celebrity Levi Ackerman was seen for the first time today at a small cafe in.... MARIA TOWN??? that's where you live y/n!" He squealed and smiled widely.

"Yeah.." you clenched your fists by your side.

"Y/n!? Come down here right now!" Your mother called upstairs to you.
You gave a sigh as all eyes met yours.

"She sounds angry y/n... are you ok?" Armin asked calming down from his sudden excitement.
You gave a nod and a fake smile.

"Y-yeah... it's probrably news about a job... or... um may be she needs my opinion on clothes like usual gotta go bye." You hung up as you heard her foot steps storming up the stairs.
"Change of plans. Mr. Ackerman requested that you and his nephew go out on your own tonight and look at apartments tomorrow.
He doesn't think you had a proper..." she began and opened your door seeing you with your lap top.
Her face widened in shock.
"We're you on a video call with your friends???" She shrieked and gripped the door frame so tight her knuckles went white. You shook your head lying and stood up smoothing out your skirt and biting your bottom lip.

You didn't want her to be any more angry at you then she already was for 'messing up.with levi'
Her face softened and she gave a sigh.
"I'm sorry... I'm just so stressed. I know you miss them y/n.." she began and walked close to you smoothing out your h/c hair and sighed.
"I jist don't trust that you won't tell them.. or.. worse. Armin will figure it out. H es very smart you know." She let go of you and began walking out. "Please get ready. Mr Levi will be here in an hour."

She closed the door and you sat down again in shock.
That was the first time in days your mother spoke softly to you since you heard you were engaged.
You smiled softly and finished getting ready like your mother asked.

You gave an annoyed sigh as a fancy black car pulled into the drive. Your mother ushered you off the porch and waved to the car.
"Excellent choice Mr. ACKERMAN sir!!" She had a knack for kissing peoples asses. You rolled your eyes as Levi stared at you when you opened his passenger door.

"Sit and buckle up. I'm not getting a damn ticket because of you." He scoffed.
You nodded and buckled the seatbelt before closing the door behind you.
He pulled out of the driveway and sped down the road like a hot shot.
You gripped the sides of your seat out of fear.
"So... Levi where are we-" you began befkre he gave an annoyed sigh.
"I don't know. Kenny picked it out."

Arranged Love  (Aot  Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now