Levis pov

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[Moments earlier]

Levi sighed as his uncle tried to make small talk about the wonderful apartment idea, and how he would be staying with YOU.
His mind drifted to the kiss, which he tried not to think about.
He had only kissed you to punish you for almost kissing eren..

He couldn't stand eren. Eren always talked out of turn, completley unlike how Levi was. He hated how you looked at eren, most of all he hated how you were in the picture.

"You know..." Levi began and Kenny grew quiet, hanging on levis every word.
"I've dated quite a few girls... but none, were ever as annoying as y/n And her friends."

Kenny nodded and gave a sigh.
"Yes. But aren't you even the least bit satisfied knowing that were making a good buisness deal here? For christs sake levi we've been over this. She's a (last name.) Whether she knows it or not, her family comes from money..." he began and lit a cigar.

Levi nodded and leaned back a little.
"I don't care if they are... why her? I could have had a nice life with anyone else."

Kenny took a drag and sighed.
"Its a shame you feel that way..." he began once more.
"Hey levi... have you ever noticed how she always has a far off look about her?" He questioned as Levi rolled his eyes.
"It's childish."

"Well I think its intelligent. You could have been paired woth somebody worse levi, at least give y/n a chance."

"You have a snowballs chance in hell."

"If that's how you feel, then once the deal is made, you can call the shots on the marriage." He took a drag on his cigar and Levi nodded and looked out the window.

His mind went straight to your lips and his your eyes looked half closed. It wasn't like when
He kissed the other girls h es been with.
Your kiss was different. Innocent. Something unlike what h es felt and it was annoying.

"Levi..." Kenny began once more snapping his focus towards him.
"You need to focus, today is a big deal. It's the meeting you've been preparing for... your first official decision as a co CEO."

Levi nodded glancing out the window again thinking about his friends and Petra.

If I didn't have to marry y/n.... would i be with her?
He thought as the limo rolled to a stop.

"Lets go make history." Kenny began and Levi accepted.

As soon as Levi stepped out of the car, he could hear girls screaming and a camera was shoved in his face.
"Levi please give us answers how did you meet your fiance?" One of the reporters begged. The girls screamed his name as kenny rushed over with the driver and blocked them from him.

"Go inside." Levi growled to Kenny.
"I got this." Kenny nodded before moving towards the doors of the ackerman building. The driver bowed out of respect and stood next to levi.
"None of this is your concern." Levi growled to the cameras which made the fan girls scream more.
"Leeeevvviiiiiiiii why don't you marry ME instead?" A pretty girl with red hair screamed. Levi rolled his eyes as the driver held the girls back.

"I'm WAY prettier than her!!" She yelled again and Levi shook his head.
"Leave y/n alone. Now goodbye" he cautioned and walked into the building where his uncle was.

"Damn..." he whined picking at his ears.
"I think I blew an ear drum."

"Don't be dramatic kenny."
"I'm used to it. Believe it or not when I was your age I got alot of attention too... eslecially from girls." He teased elbowing levi before trotting ahead towards the elevator. Levi nodded and continued walking,
Thinking about how tomorrow he would be living with you.

"I have to raise my damn wife.." he mumbled to himself.

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