where our story begins... or ends

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Your mother shot you a look and pushed open the doors to the small cafe.
You thought to yourself how odd it was they would chose a place like this if they were so rich and famous. The smell of people, coffee, and donuts filled your nose as your eyes wandered around the cafe looking for anyone who would look like they rode in a limo.

Your mother pulled your arm leading you to a table in the back of the restaurant that looked like it would be reserved for parties or bigger groups of people.
Or forced engagements.
Your eyes fell on your father's smiling face who sat across 2 men. One wearing a leather hat, the other had black hair.

"Ah speak of the devil, here's mybeautiful wife now mr Ackerman." Your father exclaimed and stood up kissing your mother's cheek as you two got closer. Your eyes fell on the man with the hat. He looked much older than 22, with facial hair and wise eyes. You concluded he must be the uncle and looked over at the man he was with.
His stoic expression met yours and you felt your stomach tighten.
This must be Levi.
You thought studying his face. His jawline was perfect, only rivaled by how his black hair fell perfectly against his face.
You gulped.

"Where are my manners! Mr. Ackerman this is my daughter y/n. Y/n This is Mr Ackerman. " you father introduced as the older man took your hand and placed a kiss on the top of it.

"It's a pleasure. But please enough with the formalities. You can call me Kenny, miss (L/n)." His voice, although rough had a sense of kindness behind it. Along with intelligence, you couldn't put your finger on how though.
He let go of your hand and motioned to Levi.
"I'm this brats uncle. This is my boy Levi. Levi why don't you talk to y/n?" He asked but it sounded more like a demand.

"Tch. Hello." He grumbled grabbing the cup that sat infront of him by the top and taking a sip.
He holds his cup weird...
You thought and every ounce of attraction you had for him dissapeared immediately.

"Please sit down you two!" Your father demanded in which you obeyed and took the seat across from Levi.
Your parents began talking to Kenny about their buisness deal and you looked down at your hands which were placed on the table.

"You look familliar." His deep voice grumbled from across the table finally breaking the silence.
You looked up quickly meeting his gaze with your own.
"I-I do?" You stuttered and he nodded picking up his cup again and taking another sip.
"You remind me of this annoying girl I used to know."

Did he just say... annoying??
You grimaced and placed your chin in your hand, holding your head up and glaring at him.
"That's not very nice. I'm assuming you're not very popular." You passed and his eyes widened.
"You're also very childish. What a wife you'll be." Sarcastically he rolled his eyes and looked towards his uncle who was now talking about the engagement, which caught your attention when they began talking in a lower tone of voice.

"So soon?" You heard your mother whisper and Kenny nodded.
You were trying to listen harder before Levi grunted and pushed his chair back.
"It seems you're also nosey. This conversation isn't meant for us. If it was they would have said your name."

You opened your mouth to speak but sighed in defeat not wanting to debate about how HE was just listening as well.
"Aren't you just a ray of sunshine Levi." You snickered and leaned back in your chair as he smoothed out the wrinkles in his button up gray t-shirt and picked up his cup again.
"Tch." He clicked his tongue and sipped his drink.
Kenny turned his attention to us.

"Well. I certainly hoped this was fun for the both of you! But we have a meeting to attend to." He reached out and shook your hand as you stood up along with your parents. Levi stood as well, handing you a slip of paper with his phone number and socials on it.
"Don't call me unless it's absolutley important. I'm a busy man." He ordered before walking away. Kenny delicately shook your hand and smiled.

"Pleasure meeting you. You're very beautiful y/n." He complimented and handed your parents a stack of papers before walking off after his bratty nephew. You shook your head and gave a soft sigh before shoving the piece of paper into the pocket of your jeans.
Your mother turned towards you with a stern look.
"EXCUSE ME." She began. "Why did Levi look upset? Y/n I swear you can't do anything right. You better make it up to him tomorrow." She demanded and took your father's arm and motioned for you to follow.

"Wait what?" You exclaimed and followed them outside just in time to see Levi climbing into his limo after exchanging a look with you.
Your mother kissed your father goodbye before climing into the car. You put your seatbelt on and crossed your arms.

"So I have a date tomorrow?" You asked with a sigh and she nodded.
"Yep. Kenny wants you and Levi to look at apartments tomorrow.." She began and stopped quickly before putting the key in and turning it on.
"Wait why? I won't be married for a few months right?" You asked and she didn't answer. She just drove in silence.
Something wasn't right and you knew it.

But what could it be? You wanted to finally talk to eren and your other friends about it later.
Maybe your mother would let you when you got home, you wondered as the sun began setting behind the mountains.

You slumped down into the seat thinking about what on earth you would say to Levi tomorrow. If you even wanted to see him again.

Maybe there was a way you wouldnt.

Arranged Love  (Aot  Levi x Reader)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara