What's the big deal?

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You smiled as eren mikasa and armin came bolting down the stairs, you were already dressed and so we're they.

Erens expression turned dim as his eyes met yours.
"Where's your fancy new fiance?" He spat.
Mikasa elbowed him and armin sighed.

"Right here." Levi growled behind eren who almost jumped out of his skin.
"Guys..." You began and mikasa nodded.
"Today is all about you y/n!" Armin cheered. Levi rolled his eyes and pointed to the door.

"Then get the fuck out and leave me in peace." He growled.

The four of you explored the huge mall where your mother had taken you just days before. Armin bought every snack in sight while mikasa fangirled about scarves with you and eren... didn't say anything.
You wrapped a scarf around your face to make it look like you were a ninja and struck a pose making armin laugh so hard he had to sit down.

You giggled not removing the head piece and looking towards eren.
"Ahh I see a lovely young lotus about to jump into a battle with MEEE?" You joked talking like an 80s style kung fu fight scene. Mikasa and armin looked towards eren who stood there blank faced.

You jumped towards him, arching your shoulders back and puffing out your chest.
"Lets go scrawny boy."
You teased holding your fists up in a fake fighting stance.
Armin giggled and snapped a picture.
Eren, stared off for a moment before rolling his eyes and getting in a fight position.

"Who in the hell are you calling scrawny?" He teased and threw his fists at you softly
You dodged and grabbed his arm and he pretended to kick you hard but was actually just tapping you.
Mikasa smiled and pulled us apart.

"Now now... let's not fight." She scolded playfully and you smiled unwrapping the scarf from your face and flicking her with it.
"Always protecting eren I see" you teased and eren stuck his tongue out at you.
"That's ok. I have armin to fight with right armin?"
You laughed and leaned up against armin who was no longer paying attention to the three of you. You glanced over at him after he didn't respond, and caught him staring at some blonde girl with another girl looking at scarves.

She was really pretty, and it gave you an idea seeing as how armin wouldn't stop staring.

"Armin keeps staring at that girl..." You whispered and motioned to the girl. Eren and mikasa looked over your shoulder and nodded.
"She's cute. So what?" Eren asked and you rolled your eyes.

"So we should convince him to talk to her!!" You planned out armins moves and they agreed.
Next step was to get armin on board.
"Hey armin!" You began and walked over to him putting your arm around him. He gasped before looking at you. Eren smirked and stood behind you.
"Uhh... why are you two looking at me like that?" He asked.

Mikasa shook her head and placed her hand on your arm.
"Y/n there's no way he'll agree to it." She cautioned, but you brushed her off locking eyes with armin.
"Armin we see you staring at that girl over there.." you began. He loones over at the girl and his cheeks turned red.
"Y/n.. Please don't do this.." he stammered but you smiled and pushed him forward.

"Go up to her and compliment her hair! Then accidentally drop something and when the two of you bend over to pick up whatever you drop.... BOOM." you waved your hands infront of him, while wiggling your fingertips.
He tensed under your grasp, as eren lightly punched his arm.
"Yeah man.. go for it! The worst is she wont like you."

Armin whimpered as eren finished that sentence.

You felt annoyed at the comment and shook it off giving armin a hug.
"Please do it for me?" You asked.
You heard him gulp before letting out a long sigh.
"She is really pretty..." he whispered as you let go.
"I guess it's time I act like a man..." he straightened his stance and began walking over towards the girl and her friend.
Her friend glared at armin as he approached, and you clung to mikasa, all eyes on the small blonde.
Him and the blonde girl began talking, while her friend with the brown hair glared at him from over her shoulder.

As armin was talking, a big man with blonde hair, followed by a scrawny man with black hair walked up next to him.
The girl armin liked blushed and pointed to the big man and spoke. You wished you had gotten closer. Armin bowed before rushing back, his face bright red like a tomato.
"A-armin?" You asked as he hugged you hiding his face in your shoulder.
"Get me out of here. Now." He cried.


"That girl with the brown hair was her friend?" Eren asked as armin nodded.
The four of you left the shop to get away from them, so armin could relax and calm down.

"Yeah... and the blonde.. named historia by the way... has a boyfriend. A big one. Like H es huge... I was afraid of getting punched." Armin cowered.

You exchanged looks before eren erupted in laughter which allowed mikasa and you to begin your laughter as well.
You leaned against eren as you laughed and armins face went Bright red.
"Guys?? It's not funny! I could have had to fight a guy, and lose!"

"We didn't know she was taken." Eren laughed and you nodded as armin continued drilling into eren and you.
Your mind trailed off as you thought about how armin walked up to historia with such confidence, even when it was short lived. About how he made the decision to go talk to her. It made you think about levi.. and your stomach twisted in a knot as you realized armin had a choice,

When you didnt.

You gave a sigh as the four of you approached levis mansion.
You weren't looking forward to another night with Levi, however after this you could go home to your parents. And it gives you the chance to see your friends some more.
Eren stood next to you and sighed along with you as armin and mikasa walked ahead.

"So... I know we're not supposed to really talk about this..." eren began and turbed towards you.
"But do you even love Levi?"

You looked down and hugged yourself and shrugged.

"I don't think so. I just met him, as I'm sure armin already explained.." you began and he stood infront of you.
"He told us... and how were not supposed to mention it to anyone..." he sighed and stared into your sad e/c eyes.
You nodded and stared into his emerald green ones, that were so full of curiosity.
"Has levi.. even kissed you?" He finally asked breaking the silence that befell you, only rivaled by the sound of crickets chirping loudly as the sun went down.

You shook your head, not wanting to bring up how he almost did last night.
Erens lips curled in an emotion you couldn't quite understand, as he wrapped you in his arms and held you close to him.
It H happened so fast you couldn't stop him.

"I'm sorry you have to do this.." eren cried silently as he held you tighter. You clenched your teeth and nodded hugging him back. You felt for a moment that everything was ok, that it was how it always was.

That was untill...

"Ahem. Hands off."

Arranged Love  (Aot  Levi x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now