Levis Pov

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Levi stared up at the tall building wondering if he should go in or not. No matter what was waiting for him, he wasn't prepared to see it.
He climbed out of his car and shut the door before hearing A soft voice call his name.
"Levi?" he turned quickly and was met with the ginger hes known for a while, Petra.
Today she looked sad, and cold.
"It is you... so.. do you have a minute?"
Levi arched an eyebrow and crossed his arms.
"I have a couple minutes for you, what's going on? Why are you here?" He asked and Petra smiled nervously.

"Well... My dads... um... so we had to Bring him here. I'm glad you're here, I needed to talk to you but I've been to afraid to message you. I don't wanna ruin things with the publicity and your fiance.." she laughed nervously and Levi swallowed something hard in his throat. He wasn't used to lying to his friends.
He nodded and scratched the back of his head.

"She won't mind. She knows you're a dear friend of mine Petra...." he began softly and she looked even more upset.

"That's what I wanted to talk about actually... so you and y/n are actually inlove..?" She asked and Levi nodded.
She stared into his eyes and rolled hers.
"You're a terrible liar levi... why her?" She asked almost offended and Levi gave a sigh and rubbed the bridge of his nose.
"It's not something I can talk about Petra.
I'm marrying her."

"Why not me then? We kissed before Levi I thought that meant we would end up dating but no... I hear you're engaged?? And to make it worse I had to hear about it
At a damn party!!" She cried as tears formed in her eyes.
Levi bit his lower lip not knowing what to say. He almost forgotten they kissed, that was a year ago at the summer festival before he chose to take this path.

Before he even knew your name.
He grabbed her shoulder and looked into her sad eyes, wiping a tear away.
"Petra... I'm sorry things didn't work out the way we wanted... but this is a choice I had to make.." he began as the sorrow in her eyes grew deeper.
Out of nowhere Levi wrapped his arms around Petra.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this petra... things aren't going to be the same any more..." he explained before letting go and looking towards the doors where Kenny stood with his arms crossed.

Levi let out a sigh looking back at Metra who stole his jacket, tears no longer in her eyes.
"I'm going to borrow this, I left mine at home... you don't mind right?" She asked and Levi opened his mouth to protest but Kenny called his name.

"Return this to me when you see me... k?" He demanded befkre walking towards Kenny who gave an annoyed sigh.

"Levi, come on man. We both know what'll happen if the paparazzi catch that little act! You're so hard on y/n about being with her friends of the opposite sex well you should too." He lectured as they walked into the elevator.
Levis heart sank as the floor numbers went up.

"Remember Levi, the Ackerman code of conduct." Kenny reminded him.

Oh how he hated that word.
It was drilled into him as soon as he turned 11, and would be groomed to take on the company. His choice of course, but the path to success was paved with lots and lots of lessons.

"I remember. Why do you think I expect y/n to behave civilized and not like an immature child." Levi growled as the elevator doors opened.
"You need to learn to be harder levi. It's a rough road to end up like me, but we wouldnt get anywhere in life if we weren't stubborn and rough levi. Remember that." Kenny offered as they approached the door that was already open.

In Levi walked, the sound of the machine beeping and the smell of lavender filled the room as he sat next to his mother.
She looked pale and skinny with tubes hanging out of every part of her body.
But she smiled when she saw Levi and Kenny.

"My boys..." her frail voice beamed. Levi grabbed her weak soft hand and stared at her beautiful face.
"Mom..." he whispered as tears began to fill his eyes.
Kenny glared at Levi and nudged him.
"I know... but don't show." He took his hat off and smiled at his sister.
"Your boys doing great. Things with y/n are going amazingly."

Levi bit his tongue and nodded.
"When she's not being a brat." He spat and his mother looked offended.

"Levi Ackerman! I did not raise you to say that. I don't know what Kenny has been telling you but that is no way to talk about anyone. " she scolded and Levi nodded.
The room went silent before levis mom pulled out her phone showing the picture of you and him that he took the night before.
"My son, this is y/n (last name) right?"she asked and Levi nodded.
She smiled and stared at the picture again.
"I know you don't see it yet, or you're to stubborn to, but give her a chance for me. And no matter what the a ckerman code of conduct tells you, choose kindness Levi. That's what I did." She offers and touched his cheek gently.

Kenny rolled his eyes.
"But look at you now... you're dy-" he began and Levi shot him a look. Kenny closed his mouth and nodded.
"Right... I'll just step outside and flirt with the nurses." He exclaimed before stepping out.
His rough voice already chatting up one of the ladies.

Levis mom laughed and shook her head.
"Ackerman charm. You have it too my son. Promise me you'll never lose it." She placed a kiss on levis forehead and laid back down as Levi nodded and held her hand tightly listening to the machine beeping, signaling her heart beat.

Every BEEP meant something special to him.
He thought about you. Then Petra. Then you again and wondered how he should apologize for how he acted the night before and do what his mother ordered him to do.

But then his blood pressure rose thinking about how spoiled you act and it made him tense up.
Kenny words rang through his mind,

'We wouldn't get anywhere in life if we weren't stubborn and rough...'

Levi sighed and pulled out his phone and texted you.
"Don't spend to much of the money... k?"

Levis eyes fell on the picture of you he had on his phone and he remembered last night, thinking about how he stared at it and you almost caught him.

Last night he received the text that his mom wasn't doing well, and for some reason looking at you made him calmer. He shook the thought from his mind and looked back into his mother's tired face.
"I love you son."
Levi kissed her hand and held it close.
"I love you mom.

Authors note
What??? A double post???? Yup.
I've been getting spammed recently with feedback and I love it! Keep spamming me and giving me inspiration to write and plz keep am eye on my page as I will be posting more aot x readers.!!! Thank you!!

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