The trips

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(3rd person)

Steve, Tony, Clint, Nat, Wanda, Vision, Sam and Bucky were all getting ready.

"Happy New Years, everyone, see you in a month" Tony said walking out the door with Steve.

"Off the Australia we go?" Steve said grabbing Tony's hand and kissing them.

"You bet I am" he said and looked into Steve's eyes before leaning in and closing the gab between them, it was a calm moment, a soft kiss, is all they needed,

"Well let's go" Steve said turning to car on and driving off to the airport.

"I love you, Tony" Steve said pecking him on the lips.

"I love you too" Tony said kissing him again.

*with Clint and Nat*

"Soooo, babe, when do we get to Russia?" Clint said putting his arm around Nat.

"Clint were not even on the plane yet" she chuckled "are you scared of planes?" She said looking at him.

"No, I'm afraid of the plane crashing" he said fiddling with his wedding ring.

"Honey" Nat said grabbing Clint's face to face her, " I'm right here, everything will be fine" she said and gave him a kiss.

"If you say so" he said grabbing her by the waist and put her on his nap, "you know you're the best wife, right?" He said giving her little kisses.

"Yes, I know, wanna know how I know?" She ask leaning closer to Clint, he nodded, "because you keep telling me" she whispered to him, Clint couldn't take it anymore, he closed the small gab between them, locking their fingers, their moment was perfect.

"Please a bored the plane to Russia" a girl spoke on the speakers.

"Ok let's go now" Clint said throwing Nat over his shoulders.

"Hey! Put me down!" She said laughing and hitting his back.

"Nope" he said grabbing her ass that got her.

"Oi, you can do that when we're in Russia" she said pulling his hair.

"Fine" he said and let go of her ass.

"I love you, Clint" Nat said.

"I love you too" he said and stepped inside of the plane.

*with Wanda and Vision*

"Hurry up babe we're gonna be late" Wanda said running to their plane.

"Ok, darling" Vision said running a bit faster, "you figure things out quick" he said looking at his wife.

"All I saw was tickets to Hawaii, that's it" she said looking at her husband.

"I love you" he said stopping her to kiss her.

"Not now, honey, we have a flight to catch" she said but still kissing him

"Please a bored the flight to Hawaii"

"Come on Vision, that's our flight" Wanda said dragging her husband.

"Omg, Vision, we are actually going to Hawaii" he said, pulling on his arm.

"Yes, the best for my wife" he said looking at her, she looked back and gave him a soft smile, they leaned in and gave a nice passionate, kiss.

*with Sam and Bucky*

"Jamie?" Sam said getting impatient.

"Yes babe?" Bucky said, looking away from his phone.

"Why did you have to get a new haircut?" Sam said laying on Bucky's lap.

"Because, I needed to start something new" he said putting his phone in his pocket, and playing with Sams head.

"Where are we going, dear?" Sam ask looking around.

"We are going to, drum roll please, New Zealand!" He said with jazz hands,

"New Zealand? Sounds like fun" Sam said getting on Bucky's lap.

"It will be fun" Bucky said and look at Sam smug, they then shared a kiss, a long but nice moment, "I love you, Sam" he said and kissed him again.

"I love you too, buck" and they kissed again, making the moment last.

Oof, finally done, I hope you liked this, it took me an hour but I made it

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