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I'm sorry for not updating, it's just my house feels unsafe now, for starters my dad is abusing me, sexually and physically, and we moved to an old house that just doesn't feel right... it has this really cold feeling, like it's be 50° and it'll feel like I'm in a freezer, and a few day ago my mum went to a work place, so it's just me and my step dad, god I hate life, a few hours ago I felt like I was being watched, but it wasn't my step dad because it was 3:57am and he was passed out on the couch, I then look in the closet and saw something I wish I didn't, we only moved in a week ago so every thing was still in boxes, but I saw a photo of me... as a little girl, that photo was taken when I was 5 YEARS OLD!!! AND I DIDN'T BRING IT WITH ME TO THE NEW HOUSE!! So yea, it's been very stressful, and ever since we moved here I've been having sleep problems. God I wanna go back home.

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