The Slump Part 2

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You, Amy and Rosa were all standing outside the room with the kids in.

"I did not think getting these kids to sign up would be this hard" Amy complained.

Rosa and you laughed at her.

"These kids don't wanna listen to you. You're like ... Smart and articulate" Rosa explained.

"So are you! Why am I offended by that?" Amy said.

"They don't identify with you because you're not from the streets. Follow, watch, learn" Rosa said, walking into the room.

"All right, listen up. I know you think you're badasses. But deep down, you're scared. How do I know? Because I've been that same scared kid. And if you don't get your crap together, I'm gonna end up busting you and throwing you in jail. Got it?" Rosa said to the group.

A boy wearing a hat looked up from his phone and pressed a button. "Remix, yo."

An autotuned singing played from the phone. "Throwing you in jail. Throwing you in jail. Got it?"

"What happening?" Rosa asked.

"I think they're laughing at you" you said.

"That's never happened before. I don't like it" Rosa said, her voice getting emotional.


"I don't know how to connect with these kids. They're mean and shallow and respect nothing. I mean, what kind of person would they even listen to?" Amy said as you walked over to the kitchen unit and made yourself a cup of coffee.

"Hitchcock! Stop bringing your food in little tupperware containers. It hurts my fingers when I'm trying to open it" Gina said from across the bullpen. 

You, Amy and Rosa all look at each other with the exact same look on your faces.

"Hey, Gina. That's a super cute ..." Amy said.

"What do you want?" Gina asked.

"Sweater. Okay" Amy said.

"Rosa, Amy and I think it would be a great if you talked to the kids" you said.

"Mm, I thought only cops could help" Gina said.

"In this case, being a cop might actually be better" Rosa said.

"Mm, that's true. In all cases, cops are the worst" Gina said.

Bored of the conversation already, you walk over to where Jake is sitting at his desk. He looks up briefly and said "Hey, y/n."

"Hi Jake. What you doing?" you said.

"Digitalizing old case files 'cause Holt benched me" Jake complained.

"Wow, sounds so much fun" you said sarcastically.

Jake turned to Hitchcock, who was walking by at the time and said "Hey, Hitchcock. Help me out, man. I'm so bored. Let me jump back on that murder case with you."

"No, I got it" Hitchcock said.

"Come on, man, let me just ..." Jake said.

"No, don't touch it! You're contagious. Everything could fall apart" Hitchcock says frantically.

"Peralta, leave Hitchcock alone!" Holt said loudly, making you jump as Holt came out of his office. "L/n, aren't you supposed to be helping Santiago and Diaz on the outreach program?"

"Yes" you said.

"Well, go help them then!" Holt said.

You walked away to get back to Amy and Rosa, waving at Jake as you did so.

Brooklyn 99: Jake Peralta x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now