AC/DC Part 2

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Four days later

Jake limped into the bullpen. "Yo, yo, yo. Miss me, miss me, now you got to kiss me." He pointed at Scully. "Talking to you."

"Jake, what are you doing here? It's only been four days. You're supposed to take a full week off work" asked Terry.

"Come on, Sarge. Does it look like I'm on the job?" asked Jake, pointing at his colorful shirt.

"Okay then. What are you doing here?" said Terry.

"Taking your advice to rest and relax to the next level. Swinging by to pick up Charles, and then we're headed to sunny, beachy, only recently devastated by a financial crisis Atlantic Cit-ay!" Jake said.

Charles walked into the bullpen. He said loudly "That's right, suckers. Jake and I are going on the coolest vacation ever. Official trip nickname: AC/DC."

"What does that stand for?" you asked, handing Terry a file.

"Atlantic City Dudes Club" answered Charles.

"Yeah, that's gonna change. But check it out, Sarge. Boyle and I are staying at..." said Jake. Charles joined in. "The Ravenna."

"Damn. This place is luxe" said Terry, taking the leaflet from Jake.

"Yeah, I've been trying to get Jake down there forever. Had I known all it'd take was a few broken bones, I would've hit him with a baseball bat years ago! Sarge, it's a spa and a casino. A spasino" said Charles.

"One of the room service options is a carving station" Jake said. He began to sing. "Talking prime rib in bed." He stopped singing. "And what's this? I'm using a blanket as a napkin. That's fancy. That's fancy."

"That's disgusting" you said.

"No, y/n, it's real fancy" said Charles.

"All right. Well, that sounds good, Jake. Sounds like you guys are gonna have fun" said Terry, standing up.

"Oh-oh, we will 'cause we're staying at..." Charles joined in. "The Ravenna."


You, Gina and Amy were sat on the train going to Holt's house. Amy checked her watch, and frowned.

"Uh-oh, Amy. Train's moving real slow. We're gonna be epically late. Keep your reaction short and to the point. I'm running out of mem" said Gina, holding her phone to Amy's face.

"Sorry, Gina. I hope we're late. That's how the fashionable crowd lives. I told you - Tonight, I'm gonna have fun" said Amy calmly.

You and Gina just looked at her.

"What? I'm being chill. Why are you looking at me like that?" asked Amy.

"Because something stinks, and it's definitely the food you brought" you said, looking at the multiple bags at Amy's feet.

"I think it smells great. It's my mom's famous nicoise salad" Amy said proudly.

"Amy, all your cooking stinks. Why would you even get involved with tuna and egg?" asked Gina.

"No one else seems to mind it" said Amy.

"We mind. We really, really mind. Just throw it out" said a random man who was standing up.

Amy was offended. "I will not throw it out, but I will open a window because I'm a nice person."

Amy stood up, walked over to the window and opened it.

"And I'm an even nicer person! Bye, bye salad" said Gina, walking over to the open window and throwing out the food.

"No!" cried Amy, horrified.


Rosa walked out of Holt's house quickly, followed by Holt.

"Hey. What's up?" asked Rosa.

"Hi" said Amy awkwardly as Rosa walked past her. "Sorry we're so late."

"Actually, the party is over" Holt said.

"What?" asked Amy.

"The party is over!" said Holt loudly. "Oh, I see. You heard me. You were just taken by surprise. Very well. Good night."

"But - Oh!" said Amy, the door shutting on her. Amy sighed. "All I wanted to do was impress Captain Holt, and you know what? It didn't matter. It didn't matter that we were late, it didn't matter that I was chill, and it didn't matter that the rats ate my salad."

"Oh, no. I definitely saw them running away from it" said Gina.

Amy sat down on the steps, and you and Gina sat down with her.

"You know what, my friends? It's time to be chill for real" said Amy, and she pulled out a bottle of wine, unscrewed the lid and drank.

"Mm. Yes, Gaga! Yes! That's the spirit" said Gina.

You all laughed.

The porch lights turned off as you took the bottle from Amy.

"We should go" Amy said.

"Yep" you said.


You, Amy and Gina were all were sunglasses as you sat down at your desk.

"I am so hungover" you complained, walking over to Gina's desk with Amy.

"Did we steal these sunglasses last night?" asked Amy, taking hers off.

"No. You paid the bodega guy two hundred dollars for them" said Gina.

"And his shirt" you added.

"Ooh. That explains why I have a triple extra large Scarface hoodie on my couch" said Amy. "Eh, worth it. It was a pretty fun night."

Holt walked out of his office. "Hey, I just wanted to say that I was sorry for cancelling the party so abruptly last night. There was a non-emergency emergency."

"Your loss. Amy made a salad and a cake, and they were..." Gina did a chef's kiss. "Amazing."

Amy smiled.

"Well, let's put a make-up dinner in the calendar" suggested Holt.

"Or we could just go with the flow. See what happens. I don't give a - what" asked Amy.

"Too much" you said.

"I mean, that would be great. Thank you, sir" said Amy.

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