The Defense Rests Part 3

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"This night is making me incredibly anxious" said Sophia as a waitress passed with some champagne. "Oh, hey, stay close. Someone messed with the champagne tower. You're all I've got."

You grabbed a glass as well.

"Jake is stupid, but he's smart. I think his plan is actually working" said Terry.

"Oh, God" you said as Jake walked over with Hoytsman in handcuffs.

"Hey, so, no big deal, but, I arrested your boss, and I never should have come here" said Jake.

"Well, I read that wrong" said Terry.

"Oh, this is insane. This is so insane. I wasn't doing anything" Hoytsman said.

"He was snorting cocaine in the bathroom" said Jake.

"Okay, for the last time, that is not what happened. Okay, it was cocaine. Turns out I was accidently doing some cocaine" said Hoytsman.

"Not on accident. You put it in your nose on purpose" Jake said.

"I don't even think I have a nose, Peralta. I certainly can not feel it. The defense rests!" Hoytsman said.

"Shh. Keep your voices down" you said.

"What is going on here?" asked one lawyer.

"Nothing at all" said Sophia.

"Sophia's cop boyfriend is arresting me in front of my friends and colleagues" said Hoytsman, showing everyone in the room his handcuffs.

"Hey, everyone. I'm Jake" said Jake nervously, waving at everyone. "So, who here saw 'Twelve Years A Slave?' Best picture."


Jake was typing away at his computer when Hoytsman said "You screwed up, buddy. You think she's still going to love you after this? She'll see who you are now."

"Hey, you don't know anything about me and Sophia" said Jake.

"What? I'm talking to myself about my wife. She's not going to like this. Who cares about you and your gross life?" asked Hoytsman as the elevator dinged.

"Jake, heads up" you said, pointing towards Sophia who was walking into the bullpen.

"Oh, hey, Sophia. Thank God you're here" said Jake, standing up. I was just gonna find you so we could talk."

"Jake, I'm not here to talk to you. I'm here as Geoffrey's attorney" said Sophia.

"Oh, I can do it myself. Watch this" said Hoytsman. "Objection, objection, objection, objection, objection! Five! Five objections. Maybe, this 'cocaine' isn't so bad after all."

"Okay, Geoffrey, I'm going to advise you to stop talking/confessing in front of the detectives" Sophia said, placing her hand on Hoytsman's shoulders.

"Look, I know you're mad, but I talked to the DA and he agreed to drop the charges. Geoffrey just has to do a bit of community service, and nothing goes on his record" said Jake.

"Not good enough. You have no evidence" Sophia said, crossing her arms.

"Sophia, there's cocaine on his collar right now" Jake said.

"Oh, not anymore" said Hoytsman, putting his nose on his collar and inhaling the cocaine. "Whoo!"

"You're really not reading the vibe right at all" Terry said.

"That's the cocaine. I'm usually very tuned in" Hoytsman said.

"Shh" said Sophia.

"I had to arrest him. I had no choice" said Jake.

"Really? I could think of fifty other ways you could've handled this" said Sophia.

Jake rolled his eyes. "Oh, my God, you are such a lawyer."

"You are such a cop" Sophia said. "I tell you I need some space to figure things out and you kick down the door with the first plan to pop into your head."

"How's it my fault that your jerk boss put his jerk nose into a pile of jerk cocaine?" asked Jake. 

"You followed him into a bathroom at a party you weren't even invited to. Hey, you know what? We're done" Sophia said.

"Fine. I'll talk to the DA, see if I can cut the community service in half, okay?" said Jake. 

"No, Jake, not with the case. You and I are done" said Sophia.

Sophia left the bullpen, leaving Jake in shock.

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