Det. Dave Majors Part 3

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Jake walked into the forensics lab, where y/n and Majors were waiting for him.

"Ahh, look who's finally here. We already solved the case without you" you said.

"What? You did?" asked Jake, panicking.

"Just kidding, relax. Oliver was actually giving us some pretty bad news. Carry on, Oliver" you said.

"So we swabbed the whole van. We didn't find anything. No hairs, no fibers, no semen. And a rental van is usually a frickin' Jackson Pollack" said Oliver. "They also wiped down the masks with some sort of bleach solution. They were really covering their tracks. Check it out."

Oliver handed y/n, Jake and Majors the files.

"Well, that was very unhelpful. Although, I did learn I should never rent a van again" said Majors.

Y/n laughed.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a second privately?" Jake asked you.

"Sure. Oh, wait. Is this that thing where you pretend you got an important text and it's just a screaming sheep video?" you asked.

"I promise you it's not, but I do stand by that prank" said Jake.

Jake led you into a separate room from Majors and closed the door.

"So, what's up?" you asked, turning to look at Jake.

"Okay, I almost feel weird saying this, but I wanted to ask you -  Wow, those pictures are not helping" said Jake. 

You looked at the bloody pictures behind you. "Oh, my God. I think they'll need to get a new floor."

"Anyways, the question I wanted to ask you is -" said Jake.

"So, I got the results on that faeces. It's human, but it's not all human" Oliver said, walking into the room. He looked up. "You're not Dr. Gassner."

"We are not. Can you give us a sec?" asked Jake.

"Sure" said Oliver.

"Real quick, what was the other -" you began to ask,

"Dog and bear" Oliver answered.

"Wow" you said. Oliver left the room. "I thought you'd be really into that faeces puzzle."

"Normally, yes. But I want to talk to you about something else right now. More specifically - " said Jake.

Majors opened the door. "Guys, dispatch called."

"Great, Dave's here now" Jake said.

"The check-cashing babies just struck on Flatbush. We've got to go" Majors said.

"Lead the way" said Jake.

"What did you want to tell me?" you asked.

"Oh, I got a very important text" Jake said. 

"Oh" you said.

Jake held up his phone, and showed y/n the same video of the sheep screaming.

You rolled your eyes, and left the room. Jake frowned, annoyed, and followed you.


"I don't get it. There is no pattern at all to the locations they hit" you said, looking at the board.

"This place was so well-guarded. And why not hit the one down the street that just has an old man out front? It just seems so random" asked Majors, putting one foot up on a chair.

Jake lifted one leg onto table. "Yeah, it's like - Oh, that feels great."

Y/n looked at him curiously.

"I don't think it's random. These guys are too good, you know" said Jake.

"We'll crack it" Majors said, taking his foot off the chair. "I'm gonna go grab some coffee."

"Great" Jake said, taking his foot off the table. "Mm. Hey, now that it's just us, there's a thing I wanted to - to say a-da-za you."

"Why doesn't your mouth work?" you asked.

"Why doesn't your mouth work? Title of our sex tape" said Jake.

"What?" you asked.

"Your sex tape" Jake said. "What? No. Look, here's what I wanted to say. Oh, no. I figured it out."


"Here, look. The trash cans, the van, the jumpsuit, they all say 'Johnny's Janitorial.' Not random. They cased each location as cleaners. That's why the can was so spotless" explained Jake.

"Hey, what did I miss?" asked Majors, walking in.

"Jake just solved the case" you said happily.

"Holy crap. That's awesome" Majors said, shaking Jake's hand.

Jake laughed as you and Majors high-fived. "All right. I mean, but, you know, it's not totally done yet. You know, still a long way to go. Tons of paperwork, and a case is never truly done until the trial is complete and the sentence is served completely to its fruition in prison."

"Jake, just celebrate" you told him.

"Okay. Wow" said Jake.


Jake was sitting at his desk, eating sweets when Rosa walked over.

"Why the long face? That Mexican candy giving you nerve damage again?" asked Rosa.

"Probably, but who even cares?" asked Jake, looking at the packet. "Why did I have to solve the case? Why couldn't I have just let those guys continue to terrorize Brooklyn until I built up the nerve to ask out y/n?"

"You're a good cop. Do not beat yourself up about that" Rosa said.

"I'm not a good cop. I'm an amazing cop. And I'll never forgive myself. The case is over, y/n and Majors are on their way to The Keychain right now. It's too late" Jake said.

"Has y/n ran one hand through her hair yet?" asked Rosa. "When y/n really likes someone, she gets nervous and runs her left hand through her hair."

Rosa demonstrated and laughed.

"Well, I can never unsee that, but, no, y/n has not done that yet" said Jake. 

"Then there's still time. Get in there, and bust up her date. Show her you care. Ruin her night" Rosa said.

"You really have a unique take on love" Jake said. 

Rosa smiled, and walked away.

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