The Bet Part 3

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"So, be honest, do you think that Amy would have destroyed my car if she had won?" Jake asked.

"No. I think she was gonna drive it. She told me that she wanted to learn Stick" you replied.

"She wouldn't" said Jake, horrified.

"She would. Considering how much she dislikes you, she would've been, like, -" you made a screeching sound.

Hey, hey!" Jake said, grabbing your arm and dragging you to the floor.

You watched a van reverse into a parking spot.

"There's our guys" said Jake.

"What's the play here?" you asked.

"Just follow me lead" Jake said. "Give me the ring."

Quickly, you pulled the ring you always wore of your hand and handed it to Jake.

"Now give me some nuts. I'm snacky" said Jake.


"All right, fine, darling. I'll ask him. Will that make you happy?" Jake asked as you walked towards a man unloading from a van. "Excuse me, sir."

"We're kind of busy here" the man said.

"Yeah, my girlfriend, here, thinks we're lost" said Jake, gesturing to you.

"No, I know we're lost. I think he's an idiot" you said.

"Idiot? You know why we're out here in the middle of the night, Susan?" asked Jake.

"I don't know!" you exclaimed.

"I was gonna propose to you!" said Jake, pulling your ring out from his pocket.

You gasped loudly.

"On the Brooklyn Bridge, where we met" Jake said.

"Brooklyn Bridge? We met on the Manhattan Bridge" you said.

"You know what? This is over! Say goodbye to the ring and everything it represents" said Jake, throwing your ring far away.

"You son of a bitch!" you said.

"Hey, hey. Stop yelling" the man said

"Hey, no one talks to Susan like that" said Jake. "And you know what else? On the ground! NYPD!"

"NYPD!" you said, holding your gun and pointing it at the man on the ground. "You're under arrest."

"Nice work" said Jake.

"You too" you said.

"I'm sad y'all are arresting me, but I gotta say, I'm glad you're back together" the man said.


You were stood in Holt's office, talking to him.

"Excellent job on the stakeout last night. I'm glad to see you and Peralta work well together" said Holt.

"Thanks. Me too" you said.

"And I appreciate your turning down the relief team. I'm not sure they could've made that bust" Holt said.

"Yeah. Right. The relief team" you said, confused.

You walked out of Holt's office to talk to Jake.

"So... Sorry you lost so much money last night. Guess you can add it to your list of bad dates" Amy said to Jake as you sat down next to Jake's desk.

"Nah, it still goes on the good date list" said Jake.

"But the date didn't even last an hour" you said.

"You know, 'cause we caught the bad guys" Jake said awkwardly.

"That's very mature of you" Amy said.

"Well, I am a very mature man" said Jake.

A delivery man walked up to the desk. "Package for Amy Santiago."

"That's me" Amy said nervously.

"Special delivery from Jake Peralta to say 'Thanks for last night'" the delivery man said, putting the box down.

"Oh, no. I forgot to cancel" said Jake.

Music started to play loudly.

"Cancel what?" Amy asked as she was spun around on her chair.

"Sir, you don't have to" said Jake.

The delivery man began to strip.

"All right, so-" you said.

"Okay, no, no, no, no, no" Amy said as Jake stepped between her and the delivery man.

"Stepping in, stepping in. I'll take this bullet for you" Jake said.

"Ugh. Hitchcock, what are you doing?" you asked Hitchcock, who had taken his shirt off.

"I thought - Aren't we all gonna - No?" Hitchcock said in confusion.

More self-promo time. I have started two new books: A random facts book and a fandom confessions book. Basically what they sound like, only I actually need some confessions for the confessions book. The rules for sending in confessions are in the first part of that book. I also have a multi fandom Instagram account called mxrvxltexts where I post video edits, so you can go follow that account if you want.

Anyways, I really enjoyed writing this episode.

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