The Jimmy Jab Games Part 3

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Everyone was working in the bullpen when Amy walked over to Jake's desk.

"Hey, Jake. Question for ya. When I beat you, which victory dance should I do?" asked Amy, demonstrating her terrible dance moves.

Jake looked at Rosa, then at you. "Oh, wow, okay. Both are examples of victory dances."

"No comeback? After I burned you with those moves? You must be pretty nervous" said Amy, walking away.

"Yep" Jake said.

"Hey, Jake" said Charles.

"Hey, Charles" Jake said.

"Who's this with me?" Charles asked.

"Hitchcock?" said Jake, confused.

"Well, we should go now" said Charles.

Hitchcock and Charles walked away, leaving everyone who heard very confused.


"Join hands one and all for we have reached the final event of the Jimmy Jabs, the obstacle course" said Gina.

"Good luck. You're gonna need it" said Amy.

Jake laughed. "Yes. We all need luck. Thank you for offering me some."

"On your mark... Get Seth.... Rogen!" Gina said. "Contestants must make it past the barricade hurdles."

Jake and Amy run down the hallway, Amy slightly ahead. Amy jumps over a barricade, and then slides underneath the others. Jake followed.

"Then, use a bean bag gun to get a snack."

Jake and Amy aim at the vending machine. Jake's snack falls down first, and Jake runs forward to grab it.

"You will eat the snack in its entirety."

Jake finished eating his snack, and runs out of the break room, soon followed by Amy. Jake ran through the bullpen and into the elevator, trying to close the doors. Amy ran through the bullpen after Jake and got into the elevator just as the doors closed.

"Next, head down to the first floor where you will locate a pamphlet about bullying."

Amy searched the pamphlet holder, and Amy and Jake found the pamphlets at the same time, and then ran out of the room.

"Then, print out a picture of me using a laptop from 1982. Whoever grabs their printout first is the winner."

Jake and Amy ran across the bullpen towards the laptops, and began to look for a picture of Gina. Jake got his first, and ran towards the printer, but Gina yelled "Surprise twist!" and the stuff that is in fire extinguishers were sprayed across the bullpen. Jake tried to run through it, but fell to the floor.

"What are you doing, Amy? Go!" you said.

Amy grabbed the Winchester 3000 and used it to move across the bullpen and grab her print-out of Gina.

"I did it! I took my time, I wasn't a crazy idiot and I won!" shouted Amy happily. "I finally wo-on. Oh yeah, yes! Ye -"

Amy began to dance and was stopped by Holt who had just walked into the room.

"What's going on here?" asked Holt.

"Someone answer him now! Santiago! L/n! Peralta! Boyle?" said Terry angrily.

"Hitchcock is very handsome" Charles said, pointing towards Hitchcock who said "Why, thank you, Boyle."

"No one has anything to say?" Holt asked.

Rosa walked forward. "Captain. What you just saw was the Jimmy Jab Games. It's a bunch of dumb contests we play to pass the time. Nobody even cares who wins."

"I won!" said Amy.

"It's stupid, but we like it" you said.

"Clean this up. Now" Holt said.


Holt walked out of his office. "The Serbian president's plane is wheels up. Report to your motorcade positions immediately. Let's go."

Everyone including you walked out of the bullpen, picking up their bags, and Rosa walked over to Jake.

"Hey, you gave it a good try. Sorry you lost" said Rosa.

"No, it's for the best. I let Amy win. Y/n told me to let her win because we always tease Amy about it, and then Amy gets upset. You're right. I'm not over y/n" Jake said.

Rosa walked out of the precinct walked over to Jake's car.

"Boyle, get out. I need to talk to Jake" said Rosa.

"Okay. I warmed up the seat" said Charles.

Charles got out the car, and Rosa sat down.

"He did warm up the seat. It's like a furnace" Rosa said.

"If you're here for your $200, can I interest you in a check that will definitely bounce?" asked Jake.

"No. You will pay me in cash" answered Rosa.

"Look, I thought I was over y/n, but clearly, I'm not. I'm as frustrated as you are" Jake said.

"I'm not frustrated. But I am not enjoying this. It is not like you to get hung up on someone" Rosa said.

"I don't know what to do" said Jake.

"You call Katie. That's what you do" said Rosa, and handed Jake Katie's number. "Only way to move on is to move on whether you think you're ready to or not. Gotta get out there, man."

Jake took the number. "All right... Thank you."

"Good luck" said Rosa.

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