Undercover Part 3

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Jake drove quickly onto the airport just as a plane was taking off.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, oh, no! Dammit!" Jake said.

"What do you think you're doing?" an official asked.

"Jake Peralta, NYPD" said Jake, holding up his badge. "I need you to shoot down that plane."

"I can't do that" the official said.

Jake held up a picture of Freddy. "Look. This man was on board. I have to follow him, so I need to commandeer one of these planes. What's the easiest one for a complete beginner to fly?"

"He wasn't on that plane. That guy's plane left like an hour ago" said the official.

"Great" you said.

"That's fantastic. Charles, may I borrow your hat please?" asked Jake.

"Sure" said Charles.

Jake threw the hat on the floor, and then walked away angrily.

"It's all right. High tech rayon, it's fine" Charles said, picking up the hat.


Jake and Charles walked into the bar.

"Aha, surprise!" said Holt.

"What? No way! I am floored by this. Charles, you tricked me" said Jake.

"Charles told you, didn't he?" you asked.

"Without any prompting" answered Jake.

"Welcome to your party" said Holt, raising his glass. "Does anyone have a few words they'd like to say?"

"Bup-bup. No one say anything. I want him to say stuff" Jake said, walking over to where Holt was stood.

"Very well. Your sixth month absence was noted. Drinks are on me. There's a two drink maximum per person. It is non-transferable. Your guests will pay their own tab. Valet parking is not included. Tomorrow's briefing will be fifteen minutes earlier than usual. And I'm very proud of you, Peralta. We missed you" Holt said.

"Aw, you ruined it" said Jake.

"To Jake" Holt said, and everyone cheered.

Later, Jake walked over to where you were sitting.

"Hey. Got you a drink" said Jake.

"Thanks. What is this?" you asked.

"It's champagne mixed with thirty-year-old Scotch and top shelf tequila. Captain said a two-drink max. But he did not set a price limit. Smort" Jake said.

"Hmm" you said, and began to drink. "Oh, God. It's horrible."

"Yeah, I shouldn't have added the olive juice" said Jake.

"Eww" you said.

"Hey, so listen. The thing I said to you before I went undercover, about how I wish something could happen between us romantically, that wasn't nothing. That was real" said Jake.

"What are you saying?" you asked.

"I know that you're with Elliot. I'm not trying to change that. And I get that there's stuff I can't control. But this morning I told you that I didn't mean any of it, and that was a lie. I just don't want to hold anything back" Jake said.

"Well, thank you for saying that. Just as long as we're clear that I'm with someone and nothing's gonna happen" you said.

"'I'm with someone, nothing's gonna happen' - Name of your sex tape" said Jake.

"He's back" you said, smiling, and you both laughed.

Brooklyn 99: Jake Peralta x Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن