Chapter TwentyThree

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Empty thoughts as I enter my history class. Asher decided to sit in Cindy's seat for today. No... That means he's closer to me. I won't focus. "Your in Cindy's seat." I mumble as I sit next to him. "Your hair is beautiful and all but I'd much rather see your face." He whispers. I don't know why I'm not aggravated. Instead I feel my face flush with heat. Not from anger but from something else. I watch the door as Cindy comes in the room. Her mouth drops open as she sees someone in her spot. Quickly I see her eye the empty seat next to me. I smile as I place my books there waiting for her to come and sit on the other side. "Thank you." She says as she plops down into her new spot. "Out of all the spots Asher you wanted to sit there?" She says over me. In reply Asher just shrugs and takes out his books.

"I think I liked it better when you were behind me?" I mumble.

"Why is that?" He asks. I watch as his black pen freely moves across the paper.

"You distract me." I whisper. His pen drops and he starts to laugh causing the entire class to walk in. "And how do I do that?" He asks. As he looks at me. I turn back to the board trying not to make any eye contact. "Your annoying." I mumble.

"That's not a reason." He says. " I can be annoying behind you love."

"No. Your quite worse next to me." I say.

"I think there's a different reason. But I'll just let you accidentally mention it." It's true. There is a different reason. I just don't want to admit it to myself. And if I do I won't believe it.

"Whatever." Lady's and gentlemen, I present, the best way to end a conversation.

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