Chapter FiftyOne

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"You never realize how important someone is until they are gone,"


Dear Heart,

Please stop getting involved in everything. Your job is to pump blood. That's it!


I wake up with a weird taste in my mouth. Almost like mint but mixed with throw up. Was this a dream? I look around the unfamiliar dark room. And the unknown noise surrounding us. The bed is hard. Almost bumpy like... rock ground. I am not sleeping on a bed I am sleeping in a dark room with nothing but a cold and dark room. Am I the only one here? Fear strikes up and kills my-i think- beating heart. If I woke up from a dream does that mean Rico lived. Or was I knocked out?

The cold ground suddenly gets colder. My head begin to spin when I lift my body up. I feel my head find a bandage. And now I begin to cry. I don't understand why I am crying after feeling my injuries. They don't hurt. My weeping gets quieter as I hear shuffling next to me. I am not alone. I don't stop crying so Cover my mouth with my hands sobbing into my hands that are now covered in my saliva. Arms tightly wrap around me. I am about to fight them when I realize that the scent is burnt wood. "Asher?" I had finally said his name to him. His arms wrap tighter around me. "It happened." He breaks the news for me and I begin to cry again because now I know Rico is really gone.

I cry in his arms not caring if I got it wet... sort of. He runs his hands through my hair trying to sooth me. "Cameron and Cindy are asleep." He whispers in my ear. "Noel and Damon are in another cell. And Kyle is roaming the halls."

Cells? "Jail cells," he says reading my mind. So it means we are arrested for doing whatever we did. I never knew there were cells in Elements. I though we were all equal...

"It's at the bottom. No one has used it for centuries they came down and found things that we thought were lost." He states. A jumble of words is stuck at my throat. Most of them questions. "I am sorry," Asher whispers in my ear holding my small hands in his hands. I don't know why he is apologizing, but I accept it. Probably for the fact that he had to stand there and look at me suffer and couldn't do anything. Or the fact that Rico is gone...for good. I feel his breathing near my lips and I risk it to bring my head and give him a slight kiss. "I love you." He says before I fall asleep again.


Cameron is in my face. Staring down at me with wide eyes. Asher is still in my arms and Cindy is in the corner trying to cry herself to death. From the next room, we can hear Noel scream. Asher told us she is frustrated. Cameron sensed her execution. And I learned... That we are staying here for protection. Now that there is light coming from outside I see that we are locked in a gray room. Nothing in it but people. It is not just Asher, Cindy, Cameron and I but other people as well. People that I never met before. "he didn't make it," Cameron whispers near me bring back the memory. The last feeling of his warm hands and his last words to me...


I nod. I have been trying to forget what I have last seen. "Stephan." The door opens just a little to let in a fresh cold breeze dying to come in. It made me feel uncomfortable to think that I have been breathing in warm dirty air. "It is your turn." A female voice greets from the door. "Whats this?" I ask Cameron. "They need ID's and prints to see if anyone has escaped... They already did you when you were asleep." Dinner comes in from a small window in the door. There's only limited meal with names on it. Mine comes last.

It's macaroni and cheese with a side of carrots and broccoli... Cafeteria food.

I stare at my disgusting meal. Mrs. Gravel thinks that treating us like prisoners will teach us a lesson, but she does not realize that captivating us in this Elemental building for ten years is already a prison. "Maybe if we apologize." I hear someone across from me suggest. I don't know his name, but he has golden hair and bright blue eyes with a hint of brown. His lips are bright red as if he puts on lipstick with shine. He stares at me and I look down at my plate. Asher sits next to me placing his plate far away from him. "If you don't eat you'll slowly be committing suicide," I whisper to him as he settles down next to me. He does not speak. "You will lose those muscles of yours," pointing to his arms. He does not say anything. Is he mad?

"He likes our curves. Rightfully claims you as his... in his mind." Asher now speaks staring at the golden boy. I carefully peek through my lashes to find him still looking at me. "Are you jealous?" I dare to ask.

He sits back at the wall staring at me. He runs his eyes down my body and slowly smirks. "No,"

"Good," I say digging my fork into the pasta. I then place the pasta into the carrots... Playing with my food. I have been scolded for this many times when I was back in the Ordinary world. Now there is no one to do that for me. Asher comes closer to me and I could sense the burnt wood in him. I smile as he wraps his arms around me. "Your mine. Only I can do look at you that way. Only I can touch you. Only I can kiss you. Understand?" He asks me.

I nod. He places a kiss on my lips and a kiss on my collarbone. "Good,"

I peek at my lashes again to find golden boy looking elsewhere. Coward.

I rest my head again Ashers lap finding myself at a piece and immediately I close my eyes. I smirk as I realize Asher is playing with my hair. Is hands carefully running through my hair? Braiding only a little piece of my hair. I let him think I am asleep. But I have forgot that my mind is still working and he is able to read me.

I love you. He once told me. But I was to tired to respond.

"I love you too." I quietly whisper. His lips slowly connect with mine when the door is kicked open. The heavy sleeper is now awake staring at the man walking in the cell. Is he part of us?

One question that goes in everyone's mind... Is he busting us out?

But we get our answer when he asks for my name. All eyes look at me. I stare at the bulky man in front of me. A fire I assume with his dark skin and dark eyes. He forcefully grabs my arm. "Where is she going?" I hear Asher calm voice from the back. "Calm down Asher your girlfriend is only getting a different room."

"What room?" he asks. But the guy does not reply. Instead he takes me out of the warm cell and into the cold halls. There light in here... Electricity. The walls are white... Not gray. I hate it.

I am thrown in a room with a large bed and a mirror. The reflection of my frightens me. I dont recognize myself. Ashers braid holds itself and I don't undo it. Instead I put it back in the pile of my hair and twirl it into a bun.

I love Asher Kade.

Where finding a way out. A voice says in my head... A voice belonging to a male. I am certain it is not me, but Asher. I nod realizing he can not see me.

Will we be safe? I ask the voice in my head. But it invade my question with wordsI am dying to hear again

I love you, Skylar Pierre.

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