Chapter Three

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I walk into class and sit in the first seat that I see. Cindy and I are the first ones. I sit in the front next to Cindy. "I can't wait." She says looking around the room. A globe is in the front of the board. Geography? I'm not that bad in geography. I remember in 3rd grade I had to memorize the states in the U.S and it's capital. If we have to do the world I'll go by country. But I doubt it. Where Elements were probably learn about some elemental guy who discovered this shit. Not being rude or anything but I think it sounded better as a myth. I don't enjoy being an element. I think the only element that catches my attention is Fire. I like their excitement. There eagerness. And water... The way how it's really rare. Only have one per century. I think that's skill and unique. I always wanted to know the reason why fire elements hated water. There only people? They drink water... They shower-I hope. So why do they hate their survival element. Not that water takes out Fire. That's probably a different reason.

Asher walks in and Kyle behind him. Kyle holds a girl in his arms. First day man and you got hooks? What is this? Cindy looks at me and winks. I just shake my head in disapproval. The class is still empty and the last row has no one there. Kyle and his lady friend move to the back corner. But I don't follow what they do. I just look ahead as If nothing is here. I don't know where Asher sits but I don't bother looking around to see. Cindy look at me with her green eyes. And carefully nudges her head. The class fills with more people and a boy with black hair comes and sits next to me. My luck, a mother blabber I bet. "Would you look at that. It's Skylar." I don't answer. He realizes so he continues to talk. "I'm Damon." He says extending his hand for a greeting. Now I have no choice but to take it. "Hi." I say taking his hand and shaking it. Then swiftly putting my hand back to where it was. His hands were warm.

"What element are you?" He asks. I look at him like I didn't know what he was saying. Not until my head slaps me to reply. "Nature." I say. Still... Doesn't sound right. "You don't look like a nature." He says. Thankfully Cindy replies for me. "Well she is. Any problems?" A sigh of relief escapes my lips. Thank god she's here.

"She doesn't flirt..." He says checking me out. Anger rushes through me. "I'm not that type." When's the teacher coming in. Hopefully this is not our permanent seats. I can't live with that. "Your Nature. All of them flirt." A voice says behind me. I don't look back. Instead I ignore it. They should have put me in air... Calm and quiet would fit me.

Skylar-" Cindy starts. She is later interrupted by the teacher. "Good morning. First class. I am Mr. North. My element is fire. This is history class. The only class you will learn ordinary history and elemental history. Who's excited?" He looks around the room with a wide grin. Only a few hands go up. Mine is half up. I smile trying to seem excited even though history is not my subject. I try.

"Good." He says clapping his hands together. "Everyone knows who the first president is... But you don't know anything about our elemental history... We start now. Notebooks out." He says. Everyone shuffles through there bag. I take out a red notebook and a pencil I found in my bag. I feel a tap on my shoulder. I jump as I turn around to face the person I wanted to ignore. Shit... Out of all the empty seats. Her smirks. I turn around facing forward like he never tapped me. But I feel his finger tap on my shoulder again. I ignore. His feet are on my chair. I hate this. "What do you want?" I whisper yell.

"Do you have an extra pencil?" He ask. I shake my head and look back to the board. I lied...

First day and you have no pencil? This guy insane? The first day I have 70 led pencils that I don't need. 10 number 2 pencils. 20 pens in all different colors even the colors I never knew existed. A binder that has my schedule and extra paper. 5 notebooks even though I only have 4 subjects. But then again there could be an element subject. All this and I said no because I didn't want him to bug me again. I smile feeling accomplished. I don't know why probably because I killed myself with supplies. Or that I didn't let my kindness go ahead of me. Now I just hope no one else asks me for a pencil.

"History of Elements. People started to notice it when the periodic Table started. This isn't science so I'm not elaborating. Us elements have something different In our blood. We use more of our heads and common sense than the ordinary people." Common sense... "We have more knowledge. We have better chances. We have more beauty... Than any other human. So they called us Elements. Although we are made up of elements. Like air... Nitrogen, oxygen and stuff like that." He says waving his hands around. Oh yes I'm going to learn a lot here. My sarcasm...

I look at Cindy who's half asleep. Cindy woke me up at 5:30 insisting me to get up and get ready. She said that the early the better. No... The early the more pissed I am. I don't like mornings... But instead I forced myself up taking a shower to wake myself up. My hair's still wet and it's cold now. I look back at my curls. "And that's the history of Elements." The teacher sums up. I stare at him like a child not knowing it's vocabulary to well. I just missed that...

Mental note. Go to library to check the history. I'm pretty sure they have a library. I mean they have rooms that could fit a party. There library could probably fit a circus. My seat is being kicked. I swear I will break those legs. "Skylar." The teacher says. I look up at him meeting his dark eyes. "Do you understand what I said?" He asks.

"Yes." No. I pray he doesn't ask me what he said. He nods. Cindy looks at me and sighs. 5 more minutes she mouths. I nod. "Tomorrow I plan on changing your seats." Mr. North informs. Thank you! I wanted to yell. I felt like giving him a speech on how I should never sit next to Asher. He annoys me and makes me feel uncomfortable. It's better if I sit somewhere better far away from him. Like I mean he's all the way across the class far. Or better yet not in the class.

The bell rings and I jump up ready to leave the class. Next up... English. Although Cindy won't be with me...

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