Chapter Nineteen

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I sit near the river water. Playing with the splashes my feet give. The natures talk about things I don't really care about. Cindy doesn't question my acts. But I feel like some other people are. And when they come next to me to play in the water the current is to strong causing them to help in pain. Though it doesn't hurt me. Just them.

The conversation I had with Asher two days ago still holds. I don't he's avoiding me. I think I'm avoiding him. Every time I meet his eyes I look away pretending I'm looking at something else. He walks left I walk right.

But what bothers me the most is I caught him kissing a girl. She had blonde hair almost white looking with golden streaks, I think she was air. She was on top of him in the hallway near the bathroom. The floor and him and her. That's all who witnessed it. Not me. I decided to just walk away. Though I could feel the tears load my eyes. My hand is in a fist and when I realized what I was doing, I agreed I was being foolish. So I stopped and pretended nothing had happened. I guess the feelings that I once has for him two days ago now leave. Or at least, if he had feelings for me. There gone... I just hope he didn't catch me watching him "face battle."

I'm confused on my feelings. This is what happens. I she gun hating someone. Once they show a bit of kindness I start to like them. But in Asher's case, I begin to like him and then, it hangs. Almost like I still want to but I can't.

"Your thinking." Cindy says next to me. Her feet wet from the water. "Yeah."

She shifts her body so that she faces me. "Skylar." She whispers. I know something serious is happening. Cindy whispering is like the world ending. "You're... Not a Nature are you?" My heart begins to race. Is it that obvious?

I look at her in surprise my eyes wide like an owls. I carefully look around to find everyone else talking laughing and enjoying themselves. The Fire monkeys happily screaming and the Airs carefully breathing. None of which are focusing on us. I carefully look at her. I feel my wet hands hoping it was just the water. But I soon realize that I'm sweating. I carefully nod. She let's out a breath that was being held.

"There coming for you then." She whispers again.

"Who?" I ask. Now, I think my heart is about to jump out and probably swim away.

"Mrs. Gravel moved up the Water search to tomorrow. She heard complaints of a water being in our Elemental area. So the inspectors are coming tomorrow to check."

I look at her with confusion. Mrs. Gravel knows it's me why would she move it up?

"Who will be the searchers?" I can't help but ask.

"I don't know. I heard it was the tenth year." She mumbles.

"Tomorrow you need to survive." She says it like it's nothing. I wanted to point out that I can't that I'm the only one who does not like to show my mark. Or rather, can't show my mark. Then I remember the two fire girls. They probably complained. Not believing Asher and stated that there is a water. Of course Mrs. Gravel agreed and moved up the "appointment."

"I can help." Cindy finally says when she finds me thinking.

I don't need help nor do I need luck. I need to be with a fire.

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