Chapter Fifteen

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I walk into history class with the sent of paper mâché. To my surprise there no art in here. I shrug and walk to my desk starring at the board filled with writing. There all myths Noel's voice says. I look back thinking Noel is in the class. Cindy comes sitting next to me. Her hair is wet and out up into a lose bun. She stares at me. "You a till think Noel is lying?" She asks. I nod. "Me too." She insists. But even after my dream that felt so real I still won't believe it until I see it-and I'm not planning on seeing it anytime soon.

Asher comes into class. My mouth drops as I see him. He has a bruise on his cheek. His lip is cut. He has a scar going down his face down his neck and probably further. This wasn't a fight... This was torture. He looks at me. I bite my lips trying to hold my mouth from dropping again. I wonder... What happened.

Now, I thought Asher had it bad. But when Kyle comes in Asher looks like a healthy man. Kyle... Looks like he's been runner over by a truck twice. Then he was sliced then thrown off a bridge. I have never noticed Kyle. Asher's friend I believe. But for some reason today I do. Everyone does. He has half of his face scratch a black eye. He meets my eyes. Then mumbles something to himself but I wish I could hear it. Then turns around walking the other side where he usually sits- in the back.

"Good morning-whoa what girl where you fighting over?" Mr. North says stepping back looking between Kyle and Asher. Some people chuckle. "The one I want." Asher mumbles. For some weird reason my heart dives into a pool of tears. Though I'm not crying-no I don't cry for Asher. But, my heart is. I don't like the feeling.

"No. You are just going to break her just like you break them all Asher." All eyes are on them. Even mine. I'm curious to know what happened. It surprised me that Mr. North knew exactly what happened. It's like he's used to this. "I don't fuck and Leave Kyle like you do. I actually stay." He says. Everyone just wonders what's happening. Some people have grins on there faces as they enjoy this. Some people already begin to guess who it is.

"No! You get them all. You take them. This is the one you will not have." Kyle says getting up. I look at Mr. North who now grinning sitting at his seat watching them fight. He's not going to stop them.

"If your treating this girl like an item then none of you deserve her." A girl says in the back of the glass opposite of Kyle. She's the only one who spoke besides Kyle and Asher. I think her name is Grace.

It's true, they are treating the girl like an item. But I don't care.

"Shut up. You're not in this." Asher mumbles. He looks forward meeting my gaze. I still sit in front of him. He doesn't smile just looks at me.

"She deserves better than you." Kyle says.

"You're not better than me." Asher says still not looking at Kyle. I look at Cindy. Turning back around to face the board only listening to the fight and turning my head instead of my entire body.

Kyle's chair falls down as he gets up again. "I am certainly worth her life. I am meant for her. We haven't talked but I work it. You annoy her. Hell! She doesn't even want to look at you. You think you stand a chance. You don't even know if she likes you-"

"You don't even know is she likes you either!" Asher says. Though he's still calm.

"Stop! Stop!" Cindy says getting up. When I turn around I find Kyle having his arms around Asher's neck. I turn around to see Mr. North gone. Immediately I get up not knowing what to do. I find Cindy and some other people pulling Kyle off of Asher. Asher's hands are on Kyle's arms.

"You two idiots! In my office now!" I look back to see Mrs. Gravel at the door with a smile on her face. Mr. North behind me grinning like a madman. Kyle's gets his hands off of Asher not without spitting on him before they walk out the door.

"Good morning class. Copy what's on the board." Mr. North says when Mrs. Gravel leaves. He speaks as if nothing happened.


I walk into the cafeteria. It's not hard to notice that they all are talking a bout Kyle and Asher and this girl. I don't want to bring up the conversation. I'm not interested in this love stuff... Kinda.

"We need to get her out before they fight again." Cindy says to Noel. It's the first thing I hear when I walk up to them. I don't need to greet myself. They already noticed my presence when they all went quiet. "What?" I ask sitting next to Cameron. I look around to see them trying to hold something in. "Nothing." Damon says smiling. I look around the table though I know for a fact there hiding something.

"Everyone." I look back to where the voice comes from. I look back to find Kyle standing on the table. His bruises now are clean. The bruise around his eyes are now calm. I guess he got some treatment to help the wounds. I wonder if Asher got the same. "Party at my place 10:00. Be there!" He's only setting parties constantly to forget about his pains. I don't like that. I guess fire Elements are meant to party... To be wild. Natures only go to flirt. Sky go there to observe and find a different calm. And water... They go there to get sick faint and worry. At least that's me in a party. Cindy looks at me I shake my head telling her I not going. She nods and smiles almost looking relieve. I don't bother to ask why.

"Have you read Romeo and Juliet?" Cameron asks getting up. He looks at me and offers his hands. "Yeah." I mumble.

"I'm looking for it in the library. Can you help?" He's lying. He speaks as if he's reading off a script. Then he looks at Noel. How is also smiling. I nod taking his hand as he leads me out of the cafeteria. "What's happening?" I ask.

"What ever do you mean?" He says in his thick British accent.

"Stop it Cameron. You know what I mean your acting weird." I tell him.

"Is weird bad?" He says.

"Well, no. I mean your not acting like your self." I say. I mean I'm weird so if weirds a bad thing. Them I'm a bad thing.

"Maybe your not yourself." That just confused me and I stand there like I've just been spoken too in a different language. I just nod and continue to follow him to the library. He leads me to the romance section as he looks around searching for Shakespeare. "Sure looks like you know where the book is." I mumble. "Sorry. O just wanted to go to the library." I have this feeling everyone's going to lie to me today.

"I'll be reading." I whisper. He nods and I leave grabbing a book from the shelf without looking. Pride and Prejudice. I grab a chair. But before I start I notice someone standing in front of me. It's probably Cameron. But I still put the book down. I'm greeted with the smell of cologne. No fire smell. I almost frown.

"Kyle?" I say. I never expecting to speak to him. He was so busy with other girls. His bruised eyes look at me as he smiles with his cracked lips. He doesn't look bad beaten up. Neither does Asher. In fact Asher hurt looks better-What am I thinking.

"Hey Skylar. You left the cafeteria you okay?" He asks grabbing a chair sitting next to me. Is it weird that I don't want him next to me. Then again I had the same feeling for Cameron.

"I always leave." I admit. Thanks for noticing me Kyle...

"Oh." He says. I laugh as he struggles to bring up a different subject. "Why are you laughing?" He asks with a smile.

"Nothing." I say grinning back opening my book.

"Do you like reading?" He asks.

"Yes." I'm a book worm...

"What genre?" Every single one except historical fiction.

"Romance." I say since I held this book in my hands it would only make sense. Right?

"That's cool." I look at him observing his features. I said I wanted to stay away from Kyle and Asher. I end up knowing them. Well, at least Asher. Hopefully Kyle will leave me alone once he realized Im boring.

"I have to go. Nice talking to you Kyle. I'll see you tomorrow." I tell him.

"Or at the party." He adds. I nod even though I know I'm not going.

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