Chapter Five

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It has been a week. And class's had been getting worse. The history teacher was telling us to sleep with his history talk. Is it bad when I say I don't care about the revolutionary war? Cindy kept throwing me notes. Every time I would answer with: Shut up I'm trying to learn. Even though I'm aware of what happened in this war. They just never told us that the Elements where the ones that designed the weapons. Specifically Fire. Every fire chanted. I just rolled my eyes. Oh and when he said changing our seats he meant that there will be no back row. So there I am crying my eyes out of how my seat could be kick. Cindy gives me a grin as if she's still giving me luck. This- is no luck.

English was better though. I has Cameron for that reason. We talked...a lot. He said he enjoyed the book. I agreed. He asked on where I was on Shades Of Grey. Simply answered. "I'm at the end."

"Oh. I might want to borrow that book after. Did some search I think I like it's topic." He says.

"I like romance novels." I tell him. Which is true. I mean I even had feelings for Romeo and Juliet. Some people thought it was stupid that they both commit suicide over love. But I mean I think it's cute. They would live in the next life together. "You a fan of love?" He asks. At first I think he talks about reading love. But I realized he's talking about reality. "No. I don't do love." I tell him.

"Really?" He asks. I nod. "Yeah. Never dated." I tell him. I feel Asher's eyes on me. This feel uncomfortable. "Then how are you a Nature?" That's the question I was afraid of. I didn't know how to answer it. I didn't know what to say to it. I couldn't hesitate because he would know I lied. "I just am."

"Does your mark say it?" I haven't noticed my mark. Weather it looked like a leaf. "Yea it's a leaf." Watch it not be. "Then why don't you show it." Asher asks getting into the conversation. I give him a glare that signified hatred. Don't get in my conversation. I wanted to say it was against the rule but everyone showed their marks. So I guess I'm not allowed to. "I... I get cold on my shoulders." I lied. I have been lying ever since I got here. I'm surprised I haven't changed my name yet. "Oh. Can't you just roll your collar down so we could see your mark. It's only on the shoulder..."

Yea I know it's on my shoulder Asher. I don't want to show it. I have never been happy to see my teacher. Never. "Hello." Mrs.Dallas greets us. "Lovely day to write..." I look at her hoping she would say that we could write about whatever we want. But of course my wishes never come true. I wish I would stay away from Asher. But he just keeps getting closer. Not closer as in I like him closer. No the closer he gets the more I hate him. I mean closer mentally. He sits next to me every where!

"Essays!" We stare at her as if we wanted to choke her. Groans are heard all over the class. People even drop their heads signifying... Boring. As she walks around she hands us three pieces of paper. "Write about your experience as an Element. Whether you like it or not? Why and why not? If you could change your Element which one would you transfer to. Or would you stay the same. Why or why not." Why or why not. I hated that. It's like if you chose yes or no you would have to explain. No one wants to explain. Usually they would go for the option that doesn't have explaining. But now all options need explaining. "I want you to fill in all the papers with words front and back." She looks at me as if she's talking just to me. I nod smiling. She looks deeply into my blue eyes as I try to break contact with her. The room goes silent. All eyes are on us. Mrs. Dallas is an Air teacher. She has light blonde hair almost white looking. Her eyes are the lightest green you can find. "See me after class Mrs. Pierre something important is going on and it involves you."

I nod afraid. No teacher has told me to see her after class. And the part when she said it involves me? I didn't nothing really. All I did was go to the Library ever since I was here. What if she thought I broke the glass. No she would take Cameron as well. The bell rings and everyone gets up. "You'll do ok." Cameron tells me before I leave. Ok on what? And how do you know?

"Mrs. Pierre come here." She tells me. I get up from my seat as I quickly begin to speak. "I only went to the library when I came back the glass was broken I didn't break it. I swear ask Cameron." I quickly speak. Her eyes look at me in confusion. "What glass?"

"Nothing." I quickly say. Even though she could sense it was something. "Says here... You have all A's in your classes. Hats excellent. But for a Nature your grades should have at least One B."

"So then what's the problem?" I dare to ask not knowing why I'm here. I'm missing my lunch... I had a long day please let me go. I fiddle with my fingers to let time pass by. "Says here they circled you for nature. But your answers are not the right answers for nature. You eyes are the wrong color. And your hair is too dark for nature. Your hair color should be closer to red than black.

I nod. "Did they tell you anything about your mark?" She asks.

"They brought an extra guy and he said to hide it because it's against the rules." I tell her honestly. Her eyes widen.

"Honey. You're not a Nature. You are Water."

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