Chapter 10: Encounter

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I opened my eyes and saw Barbara's teal orbs staring into my own.

Y/N: "U-uhhhh. H-hi?"

Barbara: "Good morning sleepyhead~."

Y/N: "I-is it morning already?"

I look around and stare straight into the sun which temporarily blinds me.

Y/N: "A-ah! Owowow!"

I rub my eyes to try and make them better. Once I can see again, the first thing I see is Barbara giggling and then leaning down and pressing her lips onto mine. She pulls away and continues to giggle.

Barbara: "Hehe. You're so silly Y/N~!"

I managed to sit up and Barbara wrapped her arms around me.

Y/N: "C-can I get up?"

Barbara: "No~!"

She rests her head on my chest and squeezes me. Diana then walks out of the bathroom in her uniform. She looks at me and smiles.

Diana: "Good morning Y/N."

Y/N: "G-good m-morning Diana."

Diana: "We can start our study sessions today Y/N. Is this afternoon going to be ok for you?"

I nod my head.

Y/N: "O-of c-course! I-I d-don't really have anything else to do."

I didn't start properly until next week so most of the day was just me by myself. Barbara eventually lets go of me and allows me to stand up. I stretched and picked up my uniform. The bathroom was free so I walked in and got changed. I splashed my face with water and for a second I swore I saw the face of my father.

Y/N: "W-what the hell?!"

I stumbled backwards and fell on the floor. Soon there was a loud knock on the door.

Diana: "Y/N?! Are you ok?!"

I rubbed my eyes and stood up. Looking back in the mirror I could see my face again.

Y/N: "I'm starting to see things."

I shook my head and unlocked the door. When I opened it Diana was stood there with her wand out pointed at the door. Once she saw me she jumped and lowered her wand.

Diana: "Y-Y/N! What happened?! You didn't answer when I called out so I was gonna break the door down."

Y/N: "S-sorry. I-I j-just s-slipped over is all."

Diana: "Are you hurt?"

I shake my head. Hannah and Barbara had taken the opportunity to get changed and walked over and wrapped their arms around me.

Hannah: "Are you sure?"

I nod my head. Diana looks at me and almost looks jealous. Hannah and Barbara kiss both of my cheeks and let go.

Barbara: "As long as you are ok, that's all that matters!"

The other two nod in agreement.

Y/N: "Yeah. All that matters...."



You have a gift. No matter how much searching I do, nothing can be found. A mystery that spans through the ages. Maybe you have the answers Y/N. It turns out you're not as useless as I first thought.

F/N: "Everyone knows what they need to do correct?"

The group nod their heads.

F/N: "I want him alive. And not a scratch on him either. Understood?"

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