Chapter 59: Time For A Break

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[Ursula POV]

Akko: What did you want to tell us Professor?

I had managed to bring Akko, Lotte and Sucy back up to my dorm after already having my talk to them about the Shiny Rod and reviving the next word.

I didn't want to be a nuisance but I don't think they would mind doing what I was about to ask them.

Ursula: You three are all going away together aren't you?

Lotte: That's right! We're going over to Finland to go and see my parents!

I smiled at Lotte's enthusiasm. It was always nice to see the students head home every once in a while to get a break from all this.

Ursula: Wonderful! I just wanted to ask if you girls could take Y/N with you. Personally I think he really needs a break from everything that had happened these past few months since getting here.

Akko: Of course! I'd love it if he was to come with us!

Lotte: That means he will be able to meet my parents as well! They'll be happy with that!

Ursula: So you'll take him then?

Sucy: Yeah. I don't see why we can't.

The other two nod their heads in agreement.

Ursula: Oh thank you girls! I already asked the headmistress and she said she was happy with him going. Getting him out of England for now is a good idea. He will be able to relax knowing he is far away and in the middle of nowhere!

Lotte: And also, I-I really just want to have some time with him....

Ursula: I'm sure he would love that as well Lotte.

I knew Y/N had a relationship going with so many girls and really does try his best to make them all feel loved.

But this is a good opportunity for him to spend time away from Luna Nova and really just unwind.

Ursula: Fantastic! I'll go and find him and talk to him about it. I feel that it will be an easy decision for him to make!

Akko: Ok! Thank you Professor!

The three girls walk out and shut the door behind them.

Ursula: Right! Let's go and find him!

It was now a matter of just asking around and finding out where he might be.



This afternoon really did seem so perfect! The sun was out and it was just the right temperature so it wasn't boiling.

And Avery was practicing her singing with me, Blair and Mary all watching and listening.

Avery: Am I doing ok? The last time I really sung properly was when I confessed to you Y/N!

Y/N: I-I th-think i-it's even better! Y-your voice is so beautiful!

Her face went pink as she walked over and sat down in front of me, wrapping her arms around me.

Avery: Awww thank you Y/N.

Mary: Do you sing Y/N?

I look over at Mary to answer her question.

Y/N: N-no not really.

Blair: I think you'd be a great singer! You and Avery would be so great together!

Avery: Right! Me and you are doing it some time Y/N! If these two think it would be a good idea then obviously it is!

Y/N: U-uhhh y-yeah sure! I-I would d-definitely n-need practice though! A-And also just getting better a-at being up in stage.

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