Chapter 68: Suspicions

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I was still so disappointed that I failed to capture one of the black cubes that nearly managed to kill people back at the Appleton academy.

We were lucky to survive and get away with the school being told we were there!

But that didn't mean I wasn't reprimanded.

Diana: Why were you at Appleton?! You know it's forbidden Y/N! What if the headmistress found out?

Y/N: I-I know I would've been expelled. Wouldn't have been the first time either...

Diana: You can't keep risking yourself my love! One of these days you will get seriously hurt again! It was bad enough seeing you so tried when you got back! Do you know how scared the there of us were when you got injured that one time?

Hannah and Barbara were also present but weren't saying anything and let Diana do the talking.

Y/N: I-I won't pretend...

Diana: Then please, stop following Akko on her wild adventures! I know you love her a lot as well, and we respect that! But for your own safety, just scale back!

Y/N: I-I'll try...

Diana: Thank you...I'm finished now. Come here.

She pulls me into a hug and rests her chin on my shoulder.

Diana: I wasn't angry my love. I'm just scared for you. All of us are. You ask any of the girls out there, and they would say the same.

I hug her back and reach my arms out for the other two who soon join the hug.

Y/N: I-I'm scared too. Th-there's so much that still doesn't sit right. A-And I-I'm desperate for answers!

Diana: Then we'll find them! Together!

Hannah: You aren't alone Y/N.

Barbara: Always remember that.

Y/N: I will.

The three of them held onto me like they were never going to let go. However, a knock at the door changed everything as it sounded urgent.

Ursula: Y/N? Are you there? I-I was told that you needed to talk to someone?

Y/N: I-I'd best go. Th-this is really important!

Diana: Fine...just don't take too long.

Y/N: I won't.

I give them all a kiss and open the door and walk out to a very relived Ursula.

Ursula: Thank goodness! The headmistress said you wanted to speak to one of the teachers. I-I assume you meant Professor Finnelan but I wanted to see if I could help!

Y/N: You can! In fact, it's probably better it's you anyway!

A smile spread across her face as she took my hand and kissed my cheek.

Ursula: I'm glad I can help!

She tugs my hand and leads me away from the dorm.

Ursula: So what is it that you wanted to say.

Y/N: I-it's about s-something I saw while at Appleton.

Ursula: Go on...

I let go of her hand because of how busy the place was getting and continued to walk and talk in a hushed voice.

No one else really needed to know right now.

Y/N: Th-there w-were s-some weird looking black cubes with a red glow flying around. Th-they came out of nowhere and even possessed a suit of armour! Albeit, it had to have a human inside to build it back up, b-but th-they attacked us!

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