Chapter 85: Forgiveness

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By the time we decided to leave the magic cafe, it had already stopped snowing. But that wasn't the main thing that we all noticed once we stepped outside...

Y/N: What's going on at the Leyline?

There was a steady red stream coming out of the Leyline terminal. Actually, the stream was travelling into the terminal instead of out it.

Not only that, there were multiple streams all across the sky above us. Looking closer, the streams of colour seemed to be made out of these cubes that had been popping up everywhere.

Y/N: Croix....something is going on. She's back at the school.

Akko: Then we have to get back there! And stop whatever is going on!

Diana: Right. But we must be quick. Whatever is going on, we might be too late already.

We all made our way back to the terminal as quickly as possible. Along the way, I told Archimedes to fly off ahead and find Mum while I kept Kilo with me.

Amanda: I hope everyone managed to get back to the school safely! Whatever this is, it doesn't look good!

Y/N: doesn't. But everyone else left quite a while ago now. So I'm sure they did get back okay.

Not much more was said as we finally got up to the terminal.

Y/N: Just be careful everyone. We don't know what's going on.

Amanda: We've got each other's backs though! No one will be able to get through us!

I had faith in everyone, however there was that little voice in the back of my head reminding me that no one was in invincible and that we are all only magicians in training.

There were plenty of things in this world that would be too much for us to handle.

But for now, I had to put that thought to one side as we all mounted our brooms and began our ascent into the Leyline.

The ride was smooth to begin with.

Akko: Do you remember what Croix was telling us Y/N? Before...Chariot came along.

Y/N: Yeah I do...the Noir Fuel Spirit...her plan to break the Grand Triskellion.

Diana: What?! That's her plan?!

I looked over at Diana who flew closer to me and Akko.

Y/N: Yes. She told us all this earlier. I'm sorry I didn't say anything...I was just so caught up in finding Akko.

Diana: It's okay Y/N. Your mind was focused on something that was more important at the time. But now we all know what she's planning. And we can stop her.

Y/N: We have to.

Not just because of the Grand Triskellion...I was now more suspicious than ever as to what happened to the blood Croix took from me.

Who knows what she had been doing behind the scenes these last few months. Especially since her plan to break the seal of the Grand Triskellion had gone unnoticed by everyone.

What else could've gone unnoticed?

All of a sudden in the corner of my eye I could see pure darkness approaching from behind. Turning around fully to look to see if it was anything in particular, I found that it was literally nothing.

The Leyline was disappearing!

Y/N: Hey everyone?! Why is the Leyline disappearing?!

Everyone turned around in a panic, but it was too late as we all began to lose balance and height on our brooms.

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