Chapter 46: Bee Affection

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Y/N: Th-thanks for doing this Constanze! I-I'm impressed!

I had asked Constanze to make a kind of rocket pack as I didn't want to take a broom with me when sneaking out.

What was I doing? I was sneaking into the party of course! I know I said yesterday about it being rude to turn up unannounced, but something told me that I had to be there.

Something was going to happen.

Constanze: Mmm!

I look at Constanze who was pointing at her face.

Y/N: Huh? O-oh you want a kiss?

She nods her head and I smile.

Y/N: A-Alright!

I walk over and lean in to kiss her cheek but feel myself pulled in and my lips meet hers. When we finish there was a bit of a blush on her face and mine as well.

Y/N: A-Ah right. I should've expected you wanted one on the lips.

She nods her head and hugs me.

Y/N: I-I do appreciate you doing this for me though. Th-thanks.

She smiles and nods her head at me. I strap the rocket pack around me and take a look. It was kind of a magical jet pack like you see in the movies. To be honest, I think it fit me more than riding on a broom anyway.

Y/N: Th-thanks again Constanze! I-I'll see you later!

I sit down on the chair and press the button, sending me all the way back up to their dorm room.

Amanda: Oh Y/N! You're done! What did you need her for?

Y/N: O-oh j-just to make this.

I turn around so Amanda could see.

Amanda: Awww come on! Why can't she make me a jet pack?! That seems so much better than flying a broom.

Y/N: M-Maybe, b-but it is still magic powered.

Amanda: Still! That's so awesome! But then again, you're just so awesome!

She pulls me into a hug and kisses my cheek.

Y/N: N-nah not really.

Amanda: Yes really!

She lets go of me and lightly punches my shoulder.

Amanda: Go on then. I'll see you later, cutie~!

Y/N: Y-yeah see you later. Oh! D-do you know where Akko, Lotte and Sucy are? I-I n-need to talk to them.

Amanda: They're in their dorm. And please do talk to them now. You have the chance to, don't push it aside.

Y/N: I-I won't.

I walk out the door and down the hall to the red dorm. I could hear their voices and took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

Akko: Hold on!

At least Akko sounded somewhat cheerful. But that could all change. She opens the door with a big smile on her face.

Akko: Hello!!

She opens her eyes and face lights up even more.

Akko: Y/N!!!!!!

She throws herself around me and squeezes me tight.

Y/N: W-wow!! H-Hi Akko!

She looks up at me and grins.

Akko: Hi!!!

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