Chapter 65: The Appleton Academy

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Y/N: Hey Akko! Are you still doing your research on the seven words?

Akko: Yeah I am! You can come and join me if you like!

I nodded my head and sat on the grass next to the bench she was sat on. There were books piled high all over the place.

Y/N: S-still dedicated then?

Akko: Of course I am! I won't stop until I find them all!

There was a huff from beside me as a blur of orange flopped down on the grass beside me.

Amanda: Ugh this place is so boring!

Y/N: O-oh hey Amanda!

Amanda: Hey babe!

She sat up and pecked me on the lips before lying down again.

Amanda: I don't even know why I'm still here! I should just drop out of this stupid school!

Y/N: Hey...what about me!

Amanda: Huh. Yeah I guess you're the only reason why I stay~.

Akko: She says this all the time Y/N! She always says she wants to leave but then remembers that you're here!

Amanda: Yeah well, why wouldn't you want to stay when there is someone so handsome here~.

My faces turned red as Akko looked up from her book.

Akko: You do have a point!

Y/N: G-Girls...

They both laugh as Amanda crawls closer to me.

Amanda: Oh come on! You know how fun it is to tease you!

I merely blush and look away.

Amanda: Haha! You're so adorable~!

She kisses my cheek and sits down in my lap.

Amanda: So what are you doing out here anyway? Especially with all those books.

Akko: I'm looking up everything to do with the seven words.

Amanda: Really? That again? Why are you even still doing that?

Akko: Because if I do, then it'll help me find Chariot! And then I can give her the Shiny Rod back!

She stands up and holds it up when all of a sudden, one of the orbs began to glow slightly.

Y/N: Hang on, it's glowing!

Akko looked at it and shot off. Me and Amanda quickly scrambled up off the ground and went after her.

We caught up with her just before she entered the library.

Akko: Professor Ursula!

Ursula turned around when she heard Akko call her name and gasped when she saw the Shiny Rod.

Ursula: The fifth word! It is related to old history and traditions!

Akko: Is it really?

Ursula: Yes. This word-.

Finnelan: Professor Ursula!

Ursula jumped at the sudden interruption from Professor Finnelan.

Finnelan: When are you going to finish the data I asked you about?

Ursula: U-uhh I'm sorry ma'am! I'll do that now!

Finnelan: Quickly! The Cavendishes really need our help!

She walked off, leaving me wondering just what was going on with Diana.

Ursula: S-sorry Akko! We'll have to come back to this later!

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