Chapter 78: Safe and Sound

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The sun was just beginning to rise over the horizon. I was stood at the window, looking out at how beautiful it was...

Diana: Is everything alright Y/N?

I felt Diana wrap her arms around me as I nodded my head in response.

Y/N: I'm fine. Are you? You know, because of last night and all.

Diana: I am fine.

Y/N: No regrets?

Diana: I cannot regret the decision I made. As much as I dislike them, I do not wish death or harm on them. I disagree with what my Aunt has done to the Cavendish name, but that does not mean I would've left them like that.

Y/N: Indeed. You're a good person Diana. Don't ever change.

Diana: Trust me, I won't.

She pecked me on the cheek as there came a knock at the door. Diana called them in and it opened to reveal Anna holding a tray.

Anna: Good morning! I brought you all some breakfast! Although it seems that not everyone is awake yet.

Hannah, Barbara and Akko were all still fast asleep. By the time we all got back inside and to sleep, it was extremely late.

And I still got up to see the sun rise over the hills surrounding Diana's estate!

Y/N: Th-thank you. That's very kind.

Anna: Yes well, you saved m'lady Diana and did your best to help her. I-I really didn't think Lady Daryl was capable of doing such things...

Y/N: No one did really. It took a while to figure it out, but we all got there in the end.

Anna: For which I am grateful. I see how fond of you m'lady is. You'll be welcome into this house anytime from now on!

Y/N: I-I...thank you!

Anna: And when you marry her, if you would like to live here, it would be our pleasure!

That made me blush. She said 'when' not 'if'.

Diana: Don't worry Anna. He is not going anywhere~.

She giggled and squeezed me tighter as I heard the tray being placed down on the table.

Anna: I'll leave you all for now! Enjoy the breakfast!

She was quickly out of the door, leaving us alone again.

Y/N: D-Damn. She came and went very quickly! Nice person though.

Diana: She is. She has always been here for me ever since my Mother passed away.

Y/N: I appreciate that last night she was trying to protect you and the ceremony, unaware that you had been prevented by Daryl.

Diana: That's where I have you! You all came in and helped me! Even if I didn't manage to succeed.

She fell silent for a little while until she spun me around and put her arms around my neck.

Diana: But now, we can go back to Luna Nova. Back home.

Y/N: Yeah I guess we got what we wished for in the end! Having you where you belong. Queen of Luna Nova!

She giggled and pressed her lips against mine.

Diana: Then I have you, my charming king~.

I blushed madly as she kissed me again, leaning herself right up against me.

Diana: I-I love you...

Y/N: I-I love you too Diana.


[DISCONTINUED] Rehabilitation {Little Witch Academia Harem X Shy Male Reader}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora