Chapter 21: A Test Subject

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Y/N: Professor Ursula....

Hannah: What about her?

Y/N: Sh-she u-ummmm....

I was struggling to think how I was going to tell these three that Ursula had confessed her feeling for me.

I didn't know how they were gonna take it.

Diana: I think I can see where this is going.

I look over at Diana.

Diana: Did she confess to you by chance?

I nod my head.

Barbara: W-wait really?

Y/N: Y-yeah.

There are a few moments of silence until Diana speaks up.

Diana: It's good that you told us Y/N.

Hannah: Isn't a student and teacher relationship forbidden?

Barbara: And more importantly, isn't it a bit weird?

Diana: Normally it would be. However, I believe Professor Ursula isn't that much older than us. She is a lot younger than some of the other teachers like Professor Finnelan.

Barbara: Ugh! Imagine if Finnelan took an interest.

Y/N: I-I d-don't want to thanks.

That's where the line would be drawn.

Like Diana said Professor Ursula is only a few years older than us.

But Professor Finnelan is a lot older than us.

That would be very weird.

I shake my head to get the thought out of my head.

Diana: Yes anyway, now let's get that thought out of our heads. Y/N, I appreciate that you have stuck to your word.

Y/N: I-I m-made a promise.

She nods her head.

Diana: I know. And we accept that she shares the same feelings for you that we do.

Hannah: I guess it's not that weird. As Diana said, she isn't that much older.

Y/N: I-if i-it makes you guys uncomfortable th-then you can tell me.

Barbara: No we'll be fine. Just might take some time getting used to one of our teachers sharing a boyfriend with us.

I nod my head.

I was kinda surprised that they were this calm about it.

But then again, I have told them as soon as I knew this which has made it all a lot simpler.

It would have been more awkward and uncomfortable if they had found out themselves.

Now I just needed to tell Akko.

But right now it was rather late, so I would have to tell her tomorrow.

Y/N: Y-yeah. I-I can u-understand that it m-may take a while.

I yawn really loudly and hear giggles come from around the room.

Barbara: I think someone's a little tired hehe~!

I blush out of embarrassment and just walk over to get me change of clothes.

Y/N: Y-yeah I-it's b-been a long day.

I go and get changed and come back into the room.

I walk over and sit on Barbara's bed next to her.

Barbara: So how close are you to catching up with Diana?

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