The Closet

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    Jade's POV 

   Whoever should come through that door, but Beck Oliver. For some odd reason I was hoping it would be Vega. He closes the door behind him, giving me one long look and a drawn out sigh before he begins talking.

"Hey, Jade."

"What do you want me here for? Spit it out Beck." I'm restless.

"Well I've been noticing some things lately and-"


He rolls his eyes and continues. That's something I'm not used to.

"You're never around anymore Jade!"

"What do you mean?" I look down at the floor and back to him, not making eye contact.

"You're not the same, you keep making up excuses, Jade! And-and I think I know why."

"OH, if you think you're so smart would you mind telling me?" My voice is rising.

"Jade, I see the way you look at her."

"WHO?!" I don't care how loud my voice gets now.

"Tori. You might not think so, but I'm way more perceptive than I appear," He shifts his weight from his left to his right foot. He's nervous.

"Yeah so what! Do you like her too? Huh?" I glare at him.

"You don't even know if she's into- girls- at all!"

I have to think of my answer to this. I think I do know with all the times she blushed when I looked at her. I want to say that, but I can't.

"We'll see about that Oliver." And I storm out carrying my lunch bag, leaving him there. I don't care about him anymore. He can date whoever he wants! Just not my Tori. I head to lunch. I look behind me and he's actually following close behind. I guess he doesn't want it to look too weird.

We get there and the only two open seats are between Tori and Cat. I get there first and sit next to Tori. Sinjin hops in next to me. Ugh!

"Three, two, one." He gets up quickly and leaves. Beck sits where Sinjin just was. Great. I have to hold myself together. Beck starts a conversation with the others. Easy for him huh. I just sit there for a minute.

"You want my french fries? They're good today."

I look next to me to see Tori smiling, but with a hint of worry in her face. She's so cute.

"Sure." I take the basket from her and start munching on the fries. Huh, they are good today.

"Hey, what happened? I hate to say this, but you don't really look like yourself." Tori says, a bit of worry in her voice. I look back to see if the others can hear, but they're all still talking and laughing at something stupid Cat said. I move closer to her.

I lean over and say in a low voice, "Beck and I broke up." I look into her eyes.

"Oh. I thought you guys were doing well. I guess not." She looks down and back at me.


"This is gonna sound weird, but can I come over to your house tonight to talk to you about it?"

"Sure." I slip my pear phone over to her below the table and point at it.

"Oohhh." She types in her name and number and slides it back. Good.

"Hey, Tori."

I look over to beck. Uugghhhh. I could kill him right now, but I guess I'll hold myself back; for Tori.

"Yeah?" Tori says, resting her hand on mine on the bench seat, below the table.

"André wrote a new song and it's a duet. I was wondering if you wanted to get together tonight to work on it with me?" He says with a smirk.

Is he serious?! He's talking to her like I'm not even here. I want to scream at him or hit him, but I hold myself back. Please say "No" Tori.

"Sorry Beck, but I have plans." Phew.

"What kind of plans?"

"I invited Jade over to my house tonight. I need help with a project." That girl doesn't lie. Usually.

"Ahh. Okay then." He says, glancing at me, crestfallen. I sense a little bit of jealousy and malice behind that glance.

I look over at Tori. She looks back at me and I notice a slight, little blush on those high cheekbones again and a little smile. She winks at me. Now I feel the heat rising in my cheeks. Crap.

"Beck, I'll do it with you!" Cat says giggling. Just like Cat. I hate giggling. Then I zone out of their conversation and talk with Tori for the rest of lunch, eating my, well her, fries. Lunch soon ends and we say our goodbyes. A few classes then we are out and I get to drive to Tori's house.

     This is kinda a short chapter.

My GirlOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora