Getting Ready for School Again

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  I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to update. School yaknow. We're on our last weeks thank God.

—Jade's POV—

I wake up to the beautiful aroma on bacon. I turn to see Tori, but she isn't there. Then it hits me.

"Shit. Her parents are probably home, it's a school day and my car is in their driveway. I bet they have questions." I say to myself.

Then I manage to sit up and stretch. I remember that I'm just in my underwear, so I grab a shirt and a pair of shorts out of my bag. I just wanna get the "dealing with the parents" thing out of the way. I then make my way downstairs and prepare for the questions.

      When I got downstairs there's bacon and eggs on the counter. Tori's eating her food at the counter and the Vega parents are gone. I guess Trina is either still gone or here and "getting her beauty sleep." Whatever the reason I'm just glad I don't have to speak or be around the talentless Vega sister. I saunter over to the younger sister and wrap my arms around her waist. She jumps a little. Cute.

"Gosh. You startled me." She giggles.

I let go and grab some bacon off the main dish. "Are your parents home or?"

"Well, they came home last night I guess. I was up with them this morning. They asks me whose car it is in the driveway."

"And what did you say?"

"I said it's yours. That you needed a place to crash for a couple nights."


"Wanna get ready before Trina decides to get up?"

"Yes please! Let's get out of here before she rises from the grave."

"Ha ha very funny."

     She finishes her food and puts the plate in the sin. Then we make our way upstairs and get dressed and ready for the day. I get on my usual black jeans, black AC/DC shirt, leather jacket and my combat boots. I let my hair naturally fall and do some light makeup in her mirror.

   I turn around from where I was getting ready and see what the younger Vega decided to wear. She went with a cute pair of ripped jeans, a red tank top with her flannel over it. Top it off with a pair of converse and lots of makeup. She looks beautiful.

"You look beautiful babe." I tell her.

"Thank you." She blushes.

I go back to packing all my stuff.

"Hey. Can you take me home today? I don't feel like dealing with Trina in a car today."

"Alright." I say. Finishing up my packing.

  I sling my duffle over my shoulder and walk out of the room and down the stairs. I guess Tori followed because I can hear her behind me.

   I grab a couple more pieces of bacon for the road, take my keys out of the little bowl on the counter and go to the door to wait for the brunette. I watch as she picks up her school bag from the foot of the stairs and takes a water bottle from the fridge. She finally walks over to me.

"Let's go." She says and I open the door for her.

     I unlock the fury and throw my bag in the backseat next to my school bag. Tori opens her door and does the same. I turn the car on and she roars to life.

"Let's motorvate."

I shove the Fury into gear and tear out of the Vega's driveway. The sound of the loud engine and exhaust reverberates off the houses. Sucks for anyone whose still sleeping.


  Ugh it's been too long. Sorry this is so short.

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