Lunch Time

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—Tori's POV—

    Jade and I walked out to the lunch yard hand in hand. I saw everyone at the table. I really didn't want to be near Beck, but here we are. The only spots are separate from each other.

"Jade. You can go sit. I'm gonna get lunch." I let go of her hand and make my way over to the food truck.

When I got in line I glanced over to the table and saw that Jade was sitting next to Cat. She was talking with cat about something and the little redhead was giggling. I felt a slight smile creep onto my face. I looked back in front of me and moved up in the line.

Soon I finally made my way to the window and ordered some fries. I wasn't that hungry. I paid and about five minutes later I was given my fries and left to the table. When I got over I saw that the only seat that was open was next between Andre and Beck. Shit. I sit down and begin eating my fries. I take come ketchup and squirt some on them. I quietly munch on my fries. Then Andre speaks up.

"What's up chica? You're quiet." He quirks an eyebrow at me.

"Nothing. I just wanna eat my fries. They're really good today. Mmmm."

"Hmm, okay."

  He goes back to is conversation with Robbie.

   I could tell he didn't believe me. Right now though, that's not my biggest problem. I looked up to see Jade with an angry look on her face. I was wondering why until I felt something.

    I looked over to Beck and noticed that he was leaning closer to me. His hand was brushing my upper thigh. I didn't know what to do. I looked up at his face and he was smirking at Jade. This is not good. I had to get out of this, but how.

Then his hand moved up my thigh and his smirk widened. My heart's pounding out of my chest. I grabbed my empty fry basket and got up to toss it in the garbage. I walk into the school and head to the bathroom. I need to breath. Why the Hell was he doing that?


--Jade's POV--

I was livid. What the Hell is Beck doing to my girlfriend. She's quiet and I can tell she's uncomfortable. I watch as she glances down and then up to Beck's face. I could tell she was trying to hide her feelings(fear?). I look back at Beck and see that his smirk has widened. Then suddenly Tori gets up with her fry basket. I watch as she tosses it in the garbage and heads into the school.

Cat then leans over to me.

"Follow her."

I get up from the table. I feel everyone staring after me, but I just keep walking into the school. I walk down the hall and finally make it to the bathroom. I pause for a second before walking in.

When I walk in I see Tori leaning over one of the sinks. She doesn't bother to look up at me at first, but when I step closer our eyes meet through the mirror. I could tell she was crying. Her eyes were a little bloodshot and puffy and there were a couple of tear streaks on her cheeks.

  She finally turns to me and just nuzzles her head in the crook of my neck. We stand there for a moment and then I pull her away to look into her eyes again.

"What did that bastard do?"

It took her a moment and then she finally answered.

"He had his hand on my thigh. He kept rubbing and getting further up my leg. I didn't want to make a big scene so I just got up as casually as I could. He's scaring me Jade, but I don't want you to do anything you would regret."

I let what she just said sink in. I cupped her face with my hand and rubbed circles on her cheek with my thumb. I looked into her chocolate orbs once again.

"Just for you, I won't do anything rash. He just needs to be taught a lesson. He doesn't just get away with that kind of shit."

I wiped her tears. I need to do something to make her smile.

"Let's ditch the rest of the school day."

"But my parents- "

"Screw your parents."

"They're gonna kill me if I skip and don't tell anyone."

"How bout this?"


Oh my God! That took me so long! Hope you guys like it. I'm open to ideas.

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