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  Finally another chapter. Hope you guys are liking it so far!

       —Jade's POV—

"Beck." I say as calmly as I can.

"What." He says back to me unfazed.

" Back off!" I respond. I'm going to snap.

     He just looks at me, keeping one hand on the wall, keeping Tori from me. She seems scared. Now I'm pissed. I step further towards them.

"I said Back off Beck!" I'm nearly going to yell. I just don't want the others getting into this mess.

I walk up to him and shove him off of Tori. She scampers behind me. I glare at Beck as he gets back off the floor.

"Really Jade. I just wanted to talk to her."

"I don't believe you one bit. She's fucking shivering!"

Tori was standing behind me. I could tell she was shaking.  I normally would have just loved to see her shaking, but not like this. Not if Beck was scaring her. He gets back up and brushes himself off.

"Either go downstairs and don't bother Tori or leave." I tell him.

"Fine. I have to get up early tomorrow anyways. Bye Tor." He says and then winks at Tori.

I stay with her and watch as he leaves. Then we hear the door close about 2 minutes later. I turn around and just hug Tori. She snuggles into me and we just stand there for a few minutes that feel like eternity.

"Are you okay? I ask.

"I think so. I'm a little shaken to be honest. " She says as she pulls away from me.

"Do you want to go down and finish the movie? I know we have school tomorrow anyways."

"I actually do wanna go down and cuddle. Let's finish the movie."

"Alright c'mon. " I take her hand and we go downstairs and back to our couch. Thank God everyone is glued to the TV.

We get comfortable as Lord Farquad is taking Fiona away from Shrek and then the sad montage plays.

—time jump because I'm lazy—

The ending song plays and I can see that everyone is finishing their snacks and drinks. We all go and throw all the garbage out and put the food away. Tori put all the drinks back in the fridge. I can't wait for everyone to leave so we can talk.

"Great movie! I'm bushed!" Andre says and stretches.

"Yeah! I love Shrek!" Cat says and giggles.

"We better get going." Robbie tells Cat and Andre. "It's been a great time! We just all have school tomorrow."

"Of course! It was great to see you guys!" Tori replies and hugs them all. I just nod to them.

"Oh, Jade, nice car by the way." Andre says.

"Thanks." I respond.

The three of them leave, shutting the door behind them. I turn to Tori, just to see her bracing herself on the counter, catching her breath.

"You okay babe?" I ask, concerned.

"I think so. I'm still trying to wrap my head around why Beck would do that. I mean, he knows that we're together." She says looking straight ahead of her.

I walk over to her and lean over the counter next to her, clasping my hands together on the counter top.

"Would you wanna take a drive, to talk?" I ask, genuine concern in my voice.

"Actually. That would be nice."

I push myself off the counter and grab my keys from the little key basket. I then go over and grab my leather jacket off the tall chair at the counter.

"You ready?"


I take her hand in mine and we walk out the door. She locks it behind us and we both make our way to the red Plymouth Fury sitting in the driveway.


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