Getting Ready

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----Jade's POV----

We get back to the house and I turn the car off. That went better than I thought it would. I get out, shove my phone in my back pocket and Tori gets out at the same time. We both walk around the front of the car Tori stopping and leaning against the hood, phone and keys in her hand..

"What's up Vega?" I ask.

"Oh. Nothing. I just can't believe you're actually my girlfriend." She says and looks over at me.

  I step over to her and slip my right arm around her waist.

"Me either. Let's get inside. It's a little chilly out."

We walk to the front door and she unlocks it, letting us both in. We close and lock the door behind us.

"I guess we should clean up a bit and get to bed. We got a lot to do tomorrow." Tori says. Yawning afterwards.

"Can we at least sleep in tomorrow?"

"Yeah, I guess so. They'll be here around like 6:00 pm."

"Okay." I grab my cup and plate off the coffee table. I throw the cup away and stick the plate in the dishwasher. Tori follows suit. Just as she finishes wiping off the table with a paper towel and throws it away, I grab her arm and start to pull her upstairs with me.


I let go and she grabs her phone off the counter and allows me to continue pulling her upstairs. We finally get into her room and throw ourselves on the bed. Tori holds up her phone and I see a bunch of notifications. She puts her head on my chest and unlocks her phone. I can see that a lot of the notifications are from the group chat. It's mostly just them saying when they'll be here and how excited Cat is to sing the song with Beck for us. Tori then closes out of the group chat and enters another chat. I couldn't catch the name in time, but I guess it was Beck. She scrolls through different messages and then turns her phone off and tosses it on the bed with a sigh.

"What's up Vega?"

"Beck won't stop texting me. I silenced him when we were in the car and suddenly there's like 20 texts from him." She humphs and snuggles closer to me.

  Her head is on my chest still, but now she has her arm over my torso hugging me. I stroke her hair. She lets out another sigh.

"He keeps telling me how much he wishes I did it with him and how he can't wait to see me. He even went as far as to send a lot of winky faces."

"Can I please kill him."

"No Jade."



"Fine. I'll kill him with my gaze then."

"You do you babe. Now can we please just get ready for bed."

  She gets up from her position and makes her way to her dresser grabbing a pair of sweat shorts and a spaghetti strap tank top. I then grab my black sweat pants and a grey shirt from my duffle bag.

"I'll just go freshen up and change in the bathroom alright." Tori says, kissing my cheek on the way out.

   I proceed to undress and change. I apply some more deodorant before Tori comes back. I flip my hair a little and loosen it up. I turn my back to the door and check my phone for anything. Nothing, just the group chat. I then hear the door open and turn to see Tori in her tank top and shorts. She makes her way to the bed and crawls to the other side and pulls the covers over her. She pats the space next to her and I follow.

She then snuggles into me and I wrap my arms around her. I can feel her breath slow as she falls asleep in my arms. I never thought I would ever be in this position with Tori Vega as my girlfriend. Hopefully we'll get some time alone tomorrow and hopefully Beck won't be so insufferable. I finally fall asleep, ready for tomorrow.


That's the end of this chapter. I'm so happy people are actually reading this! Thank you guys. There is more to come.

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