Calm Before the Storm

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---Jade's POV---

I wake up to emptiness next to me. I look around to make sure last night wasn't a dream. It wasn't. I'm in Vega's room and I don't know where she is. I check my phone and see that it's 3:00 in the afternoon. wow I slept in. I sit up and stretch and then I make my way out of the room and downstairs. I find Tori at the counter munching on I guess scrambled eggs.

"Hey." I say and she jumps a little. I smirk.

"Jeeze. There's more scrambled eggs and bacon there on the counter for you. I didn't want to wake you up, you were so peaceful."

"Really." I say and make my way over to the eggs and bacon. My stomach growls.

Tori giggles. I fill a paper plate with some eggs and a couple pieces of bacon and fill a solo cup with water from the fridge. I go sit across from Tori with my food and start eating.

"I guess we have 5 hours to get stuff ready. I just don't want to."

"We could do something else for a while. There isn't much since we already cleaned up a bit last night."

"I've got an idea." I say smirking at her.

  "Let's finish breakfast first eh?" She winks.

   She and I quietly finish our food and steal glances at each other. We toss out the paper plates and put the cups in the dishwasher. Tori leans back on the counter. I make my way to stand in front of her.

"Hey." She bites her lower lip.

"How 'bout some mood music?"

"What do you have in mind?"

I smirk and move away from her, grabbing my phone.
"Stay right there baby girl." I say with a raspiness to my voice.
I watch her blush out of the corner of my eye. I then plug my phone into their surround sound system that plays throughout the whole house. I select my "sexy" playlist and Lana Del Rey's "Burning Desire" comes through the speakers. I turn it up a little bit. I saunter back over to Tori and place my hands on either side of her on the counter.


I could feel the sparks between us as Tori brushed her fingers over my hands. I leaned in closer as she moved her hands up my arms. All the while we held eye contact. Each of us could feel the energy building between and around us. The sparks were flying. Finally her hands made their way to my shoulders and she rested them there. Her chocolate eyes looking into my aqua ones. I slowly moved in and gently brushed my lips against hers, feeling an explosion of fireworks. I pulled back.

A pouty face made its way onto the brunette's face.

"I've got a better spot." I lead her off the counter and up the stairs to her room. The music still very audible.

Instead of me pushing her on the bed she pulls me down with her. I brace myself with my hands on either side of her. I could feel the desire flowing off of her. We brought our lips together, passion exuding from them. Soon enough Vega was going to pull off my shirt, so I complied, breaking the kiss for a moment before making contact again. My hands voluntarily slid under her top. Her back arched and she moaned in pleasure. Her skin was just as soft as I thought it would be. Her arms were wrapped around my neck and her leg made its way between mine. I finally pulled her top off and just admired her perfect physique.

   As time went on we both ended up in just our undergarments, laying side by side, panting on the bed. Tori finally spoke.

"That. Was. Amazing." She said between breaths.

"It really was." I replied.

I turned myself over to get a good look at her. Her brunette hair was now messy, her chest was heaving up and down and her eyes were looking directly into mine.

  Suddenly her phone rings from the side of the bed. Shit. That just ruined a perfect moment. She reaches over and grabs it off her side table.

"Holy crap! It's already 4:40!" She then picks up the call.

"Hey."   I can't hear the person on the other end.

"Oh you're coming early? How early?"

She looks over at me with annoyance in her eyes. It must be Beck.

"5:00? Are you sure?"

"Mhm. Okay. See you then I guess." She ends the call.

"Is that who I think it is?"

"Yep. Beck. The master of ruining moments." She says with an eye roll.

I chuckle and give her one last kiss before the night begins.


  I seriously can't believe people are reading this! I'm in school right now, so new chapters might come out a little slower than usual. I promise there is a lot more to come.

I'm always open to people's thoughts, so please comment. I want to see what y'all think!

  Thanks again for over 500 reads!

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