A Good Talk and an Ice Cream Shop

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   Finally cracking out another chapter! Phew!

—Tori's POV—

I lock the door behind us and shove the keys in my back pocket. My phone is in the other pocket. We make our way to the red Plymouth Fury in my driveway. I open the door and slip into the passenger seat and Jade slides into the driver's seat. She starts the car and it roars to life. All of this is done in silence. I can tell Jade is pretty pissed off. I'm still shaken.

  Jade puts Christine in reverse and pulls out of the driveway. She shifts to drive and we take off down to our spot at the park.

She pulls into a spot and puts the Plymouth in park and turns it off. She takes a breath and turns to me.

"Please tell me he didn't hurt you."

I look over to her.



"But he definitely scared me. I never thought he would do something like that. He was usually so nice." I say.

"Well, you don't know him like I do."

I quirk my brow.
"Please don't tell me he pulled shit with you."

"Sometimes, but I usually got him back. I'm not one to take shit from people."

I pause to think.

"So, what do we do?"

Jade takes my hand that is laying on the seat between us.

"I don't know right now. You're just gonna have to keep me from killing him."

"You're right about that. Please don't do anything rash."

"I'll try not to."


Jade sighs. "Only for you."

  "Are you feeling any better, babe?"

" I think so. Yeah."

" good. I know it's late, but would you wanna get some ice cream?"

"It's not too late."

   I grab my phone out of my pocket.  "It's only 8:15."

This time when Jade starts the car "Revenge" by P!nk comes on the radio. How fitting.

After a 7 minute drive we make it to the local ice cream shop. It's a 50s style shop, that always seems to have a line out the door. I guess at this time of night no one is really out.

Jade parks the car and turns it off. We both open our doors and step out into the crisp night air. Jade twirls the key around her index finger.

"Let's go babe." She says and takes my hand in hers.

"I am craving some ice cream right about now."

She opens the door and we step into the cold shop. We go up to see the ice cream flavors.

"Oooo, chocolate chip cookie dough!" I exclaim.

"I'll get dark chocolate." Jade says and looks over to me.

"You ready to order?" She asks.


  We both walk up to the counter and order the ice cream and toppings we want. I get three scoops of chocolate chip cookie dough with hot fudge drizzle in a cup and Jade gets her two scoops dark chocolate with chocolate sprinkles.  Also in a cup. All the while I notice the girl at the register checking me out. I give a friendly, little smile and just continue waiting. Mmmm I'm ready to eat mine. After a couple minutes the girl hands Jade hers and me mine. She put some extra on mine. She winks when she hands it to me.

       Jade gives me a quizzical brow and I just shrug. We both go sit down in a booth and start eating our ice cream. It's quiet between us as we eat. It's so good! This was definitely the ending I needed to today.

"Mmmm! This is good!" I say with ice cream still in my mouth.

Jade covers her mouth and stifles a laugh.

"What?" I say, mouth still half full with ice cream. I finally swallow.

   She points at my mouth. She is still holding on a laugh.

"What?" I ask again.

"You've got a little something there." And she motions around her mouth.

"Oh."  I wipe my mouth off and giggle. "Oops."

"It's fine babe. It was really adorable."

"Wait. Did THE Jade West just call me adorable?" I ask in awe.

"Yeah. I believe that's what I just did." She says back and this time she lets out a little chuckle.

Wow! I never knew Jade could be this loving, let alone nice. This is a nice change.

"Hey. I gotta hit the bathroom. Be back in a few, okay."

"Alright." I reply and smile up at her when she stands up.

  She then walks off down the back hall to the bathroom. Then I hear the door shut. I continue eating the rest of my ice cream.


Oooouuuu! What will happen next? Hmmm?

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