The Rescue

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The hours go by and I'm finally out to my locker to retrieve my books and stuff. On my way to my locker I hear an annoyed Tori and a very persistent Beck.

"You still don't want to do it?"

"No, Beck."

"But you have such a good voice. We'll complement each other so nicely."

"Cat does too and I know she wants to do it with you."

"I know she does, but I want to do it with you."

"I said, no, Beck."

   As I'm rounding the corner I see Beck leaning over Tori, against her locker and she looks pretty uncomfortable, scared almost. Usually I'd like her to be uncomfortable, but now I hate it and I'm fuming. Too close for my taste.

"BECK!" I yell.

He looks over at me, keeping his calm demeanor and smirking.

"What, Jade."

"Leave. Her. Alone." I stare him down with a sneer.

"Why?" He says and leans in a little closer. Too close.

"She's clearly uncomfortable, so leave her alone."

"Fine." He humphs, pushes off the locker and stomps off, Mumbling, "Since when have you cared." under his breath. I watch after him and go to Tori. I don't want people seeing this. I check the halls and it turns out we are the last ones here except for three still packing up their stuff. I'm good. I go to her.

"You okay Vega?"

    She looks at me for a minute then falls into me. I "reluctantly" wrap my arms around her, comforting her. Usually I don't like people touching me, but for her I'll make an exception. She pulls back. I see that her eyes are confused and teared up. She's not okay. I guess I'll have to explain why I'm being nice to her.

"I'm taking you home. We just have to stop by my house first. Don't come in, it'll only take me a few minutes."

"Are you sure?"

"It's set in cold stone Vega. C'mon"

      She grabs her bag and follows me out the doors to my car.

"Here she is."  She's the Plymouth Fury from the film and novel Christine by Stephen King. She's basically a murderous car which is right up my alley. Though she is white on red and I love black, I still actually really like this car. I spent a long time working on her.

"Wow, I never thought you would drive something like this."

"Would it make more sense if I told you it's a car that kills people"

"Ahh. Now it does. It isn't gonna kill me is it?"

"No promises." I smirk. There's that little blush again. "Get in."

"O-okay. Where do I put my bag?"

"Just toss it in the back seat."

   She tosses her bag in the back seat and slides in, shutting the passenger side door. I then put my bag in the middle of the front seat and get in. I shut the door and put the key in the ignition. Ahh, the beautiful sound of a smooth motor and Lana Del Rey. I had to put in a modern radio.

"You listen to Lana?"

"Yeah, so what."

"I listen to her too." She says, clicking in her seatbelt.

OMG. She listens to her too!

"Well, isn't that something." I let a little bit of sarcasm drip through, but not too much.

  She shifts in her seat and plays with the ends of her hair.

I back up and peel out of the school's parking lot. Watching her out of the corner of my eye. Is she blushing? At least that's what it looks like. I can't drive in silence like this, we need to talk at least a little bit. Just two blocks to go. Then she suddenly speaks up.

"Nice car. How do you keep it running?"

"I take her to the shop when I need to, but usually I do some of the work myself." I learned it all from Beck.

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