Confessions and Interuptions

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Jade POV

As tori takes her shower I take in her room. There's pictures of our group tucked in the frame of her mirror over her dresser. On the dresser are more photos of her family and her. There's one that stands out to me. There's one of me and her posing together for the Christmas song we did for Andrei. I look closer and see a genuine smile on both of our faces, something I never do and Tori seems to be blushing a little bit. That was a fun performance. I keep looking around until I hear the water stop running through the pipes in the walls. Any minute now she'll be coming back in.

I have to look inconspicuous. I can't let her know I was investigating everything.

I finally just end up sitting on her bed and it dips under my weight a little bit. I don't have to wait long. She finally comes through the door. I try to hold in my blush. She's wearing a tight, blue tank top and short, black, athletic shorts. A bit of her toned stomach was showing between the shorts and tank top. I finally realize my eyes are wandering when I meet her eyes. She clears her throat and I notice her blush and swallow.

She walks over and sits down on the bed next to me. The bed dips a little more when she sits. I fiddle with my fingers until she speaks.

"So, you wanted to talk to me about something?"

I look over to her. I have to do this sooner or later. I'm a little scared, but I can do this.

Tori takes my hand in hers on the bed trying to comfort me.

"You can tell me."

*Ding dong*

"Now who the Hell could that be? It's 5:30 in the afternoon."

"You don't have to answer it" I say, hopefully.

"Wouldn't it be rude?"

"Depends on who's at the door."

She gets off the bed and walks over to her window. She opens the blinds and looks down.

"Well, who is it?"

"It's Beck. Suddenly I don't feel like answering."

I climb over to the other side of her bed and get up and walk up next to her. Yep. It was him. After a moment Beck looks up to the bedroom window. Tori and I move quickly away from the window. Though I think he saw us because when I peek over the window sill he looks at me and rings the doorbell again. Three times.

"I think we should go open the door. He seems pretty persistent." Tori says, her voice shaking on the last part.

"I'm going with you then."

We both make our way downstairs to the front door. Tori grabs the house keys off the coffee table and I take her hand totally thinking she would try to shake it away, but she holds my hand in return. She looks at me and I nod. She unlocks and opens the door to Beck, who looked like he was trying to look "good". His hair was done, he was wearing blue jeans, a white shirt with a denim jacket over it and black hightops. His eyes were focused on Tori.

"Hey Tori." Beck says, clearly trying to ignore me,"Can I come in?" He says with a smirk.

Tori holds my hand a little tighter.

"No." Tori says flatly.

"C'mon Tori. I just wanna talk. Please. I just want to apologize for what happened earlier."

He's begging.

"Beck, there's nothing to apologize for or talk about." Tori says, slowly shifting closer to me.

"Is it because of Jade? Is that why you won't let me in?" He says glaring at me.

He seriously did not just pull that. Why is he such a dick sometimes? That was uncalled for. I'm fuming.

"No, Beck. Now please leave."

"Fine. The gang's coming over tomorrow night by the way. Everyone gets to hear Aundrei's song before we perform live on Friday. See ya then chica." Beck says, winking.

He turns and walks to his truck. We watch him get in and start it. The whole time I'm shooting daggers at him. He puts on his seatbelt and turns up the radio. His windows are rolled down and we can hear Yellowcard's "Ocean Avenue" blasting from his speakers. He backs out and turns down the road. We still watch as his truck cruises down the block. Finally our hands let go of each other and Tori shuts the door.

"What was that about?" Tori asks, turning to me.

"I don't know. I think, in all honesty, he's trying to get back into your good graces."

Tori just blinks and goes into the kitchen. "I don't know why he would even try." She opens the fridge. "What would you like for dinner?"

I walk over to the counter and sit on a highchair. "Hmmmm. Let's see. You got any Pizza? If you don't we can always order."

"We might have a frozen one. Let me check."

She closes the fridge and opens the freezer. She rummages for a minute until she comes up with a frozen cheese pizza. She shows it to me with a small smile.

"Do you like cheese Pizza? It's all we've got." She says as she puts it down on the counter.


She opens it and reads the instructions. She puts the oven on 400 and it starts preheating. After, she gets out a pizza pan and places the pizza on it.

"While we wait for the oven to heat up let's talk."

"About what, Vega."

"Well, what did you want to talk to me about before Beck barged into our lives for five minutes?"

I swallow. Jade you're ready. You can do this.


"It's okay Jade. Say what you can." She takes my hand over the counter and squeezes.

"Okay. This is kind of hard for me to talk about. The reason I broke up with Beck."

The oven beeps, meaning it's at the correct temperature. She lets go of my hand and takes the pizza off the stove top, opening the oven in the process. She bends over and puts the pizza in. God, I'd love to be behind her right now just holding her waist. Her ass looks great in those shorts. I tear my eyes off her ass just before she turns around. Tori turns around and comes back over. I guess the timer was already on. Cool.

"Continue." Tori says and takes  both my hands this time.

"Well." I look down at the countertop and back up to Tori. " I kinda like someone else." I look Vega in the eyes now.

"Oh, who?"


I look at Tori's face for a response. I look for anything. She stays quiet for a moment before she speaks.

"I guess I have something to tell you too Jade." She looks away at the wall and back to me, her thumb rubbing my hand.

"I like someone too."

"Oh." My face falls.

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