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"I can't believe he actually came to talk to you" Taehyung said laughing

They were sitting outside of the hut after eating their dinner.

Some might think two unmated  omegas living alone is dangerous.
But it wasn't, they are not the only ones living around the open space though, other refugees from other kingdoms also found refuge here.

This space was abandon by the villagers who decided to move up to the crowded part of their kingdom.

Taehyung and the others are very thankful for their decision that ended up benifting them... whatever

"Can you imagine?" Jin hyung said laughing that laugh that just makes you start laughing even though what he said is not even close to being funny. "Mi-hi said he has been mated to five already"

Taehyung jaw tightens. Thats..well typical. Taehyung blames the too much omega population.

"The audacity. Who is Mi-hi?"
He asked eyeing his hyung

"Oh my beta friend, she is an apprentice in the shop, she is really nice" Taehyung nods.

"Already making friends? making me proud already hyung"

"Shut up Taehyung" His hyung gently hit him on the head smiling.

Then silence envolope them, each lost in their own thoughts

"I miss them hyung"

"Me too, I like to believe they are in a much more better place"

Taehyung hums.

"We have survived this far Taehyung" Jin hyung said after another long silence. "We'll continue to survive"

"What is your idea of surviving hyung" Taehyung asked eyes fixed on the moon shining brightly on them

"A better life, fall in love"

Taehyung snorts

"Still haven't given up on love huh?"

"Never, not when I know how it feels to love and be loved in return" Taehyung smiles

"I know you miss him"

His hyung already knows who he is referring to. His heart had bleed for his hyung when he lost his first love

"Everyday, but it doesn't hurt like it used to anymore when I think about him, now I just feel an ache and some kind of peace knowing he is in a better place"

Taehyung smiles at his hyung proud of him for never giving up on anything he believes in.

"And we are going to find love Taehyung, I know it"

"I don't hyung"

"Do you still believe in love Taehyung"

Taehyung let the cold breeze blow the question all around him. Does he? the answer is simply.

"I do hyung, always have. I mean mother read too many love story to us for me not to believe in love" he chuckles. "Plus I saw it between mother and father and offcourse with you too-"

"But" his hyung adds already knowing it was coming.

"But I'm not a die believer like you hying, if love comes fine if it doesn't still..."

"Fine" his hyung completes with a snort.


They both laughed

"Your problem is you don't believe everyone is meant to find true love and in some way I think that's true"

Taehyung doesn't respond his silence is loud enough

"Maybe you're one of the lucky ones that will find Love"

Taehyung smiles. Eyes still fixed on the moon, where it is believed every werewolf that dies return to, back to their maker goddess of the moon.


"Namjoon I've told you, learn to relax, enjoy your youth."

"I'm 138 years of age" His general and personal adviser voices with a frown


Jungkook was in his office, rounding up his arrangement before leaving for Yoongi's anniversary.

"I do know how to have a good time your highness"

"You mean beding an omega every decades?" Jungkook snorts

Namjoon finally dropped himself on one of the wooden chair in his office. Looking defeated

"Your highness you will not understand"

"You are correct General, I would never. Do you not think it is time you let the past go?"

"I really have tried" Namjoon said with a pained expression. "Just no one has been able to make me feel what he made me feel"

Jungkook listens, trying so much to show that he cares because he does care about Namjoon, even though he doesn't understand one bit of what the male is feeling. He would consider the male a friend.

"You will never know if you do not open your heart to receive it" Jungkook said it exactly like he reads in books, not like he has any idea what that entails. Namjoon should though, he has been in love before

"One would think you have experience it your highness"

Jungkook snorts even if he wanted to, he would never. The whole world could be screaming I love you into his ears, Jungkook will never believe it and Jungkook could never return love. He can never fall in love even if he wanted to.

"I was cursed not to feel it." Jungkook has come to terms with it a long time ago. He has made peace with his fate. It doesn't even hurt when he says it outloud

Jungkook immediately sees the look of regrets on Namjoon's face, that's the last thing he wants.

"Forget it Namjoon"

"Things could change for you one day your highness"

Jungkook hums not believing a single word that just came out from the male's lip.

"Oh before I forget about Joda, I want a chamber arrange in the main palace for her, far away from my quarters Namjoon"

Even though he agreed to move her still he doesn't want her up his neck every second.

"Finally cave in?"

"Yes unfortunately, she deserves it so why not"

"Maybe one day she will become your mate and queen, she seems to be the only omega you have really taking a liking to"

"She satisfys me like no other Namjoon but she is not irreplaceable"

Namjoon gets the hint to drop the topic and he did

"Will tell some maids to have her chamber arrangeed before you come back from your travel"

"You are coming with me Namjoon"

"But you said I should stay b-"

"Yes and I changed my mind. Pass the message to one of the head maids,they will take care of it"


We already know who is going to mend Namjoon's broken heart. Poor thing got cheated on a day to his mating ceremony 😏

THE CURSED KING // TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now