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Taehyung checked himself in the large mirror that is on the wall in the room the royal consort said they could change in.

Taehyung has really never seen a mirror like this, I mean they do have a tiny crooked mirror nothing as clear and big like this.

The tight rubber pant is simply a blessing from the gods, the way it outlines his figure is making him happy honestly. Oh don't get him started on the short tight long sleeve blouse showing his entire stomach.

Damn this outfit is simply put together to seduce.

Honestly Taehyung has thought about it, the purpose of the group he just blindly joined. No Taehyung is not some innocent omega that has never thought about wealth Power all that No.

Taehyung won't lie he is very ambitious. Let just say the constant advice from his late mother and brother has like make him a little bit calm?

"Fall in love it doesn't matter if they are wealthy or not, love should come first my dear. Mate the alpha you love Taehyung, you are going to be tied to him all your life. Make being happy your number one priority Taehyung"

His mother would always say.

Ok ok ok hold up Taehyung is not thinking like..well his brother...deep down he knows he's very different from his brother. No matter how he tries to have the same belief as his brother. Deep down he knows if he sees power and wealth in a situation where he won't feel like a big dissapointment to his mother he will grab it with both hands over love

Well he would, only problem is he can't, his brother would never let him live it through, and Taehyung doesn't want to be a disappointment to the only family member he has left.

Taehyung cannot even imagine what his brother would do if he were to tell him he's moving to be a king's concubine. Literally little hope of being mated and love? lost in the wind.

His brother will probably have a heart attack.

So Taehyung is not going into today's ceremony to become any king's concubine, no.. which is why he's not so sure about this dance group. Maybe he'll just stay for awhile? Jiyong had told him new sets don't stay up to 2 years...expected though.. since it's a must for them to perform in big ceremony like this. They all leave at some point.

Ok so because Taehyung deos not want to become one of their concubine doesn't mean he doesn't want Jeon Jungkook to notice him, like hello!

"Taehyung everyone is waiting for you already" Jia snapped him back to reality.

"Ok ok I'm coming" He checked himself one last time, before going out to join the rest of the crew to practise for the last time before their performance.


The ceremony has already started, few dancers already came on the stage. Jungkook has seen some few beautiful omegas but not enough to make him look twice.

They were all drinking and laughing talking about everything and anything.

"Sometimes I forget you are a king, Sung-ho" Yoongi said chuckling

They all laughed.

There's a reason the six kings from the six kingdoms are so prosperous, they hardly engage in wars, conquering smaller villages? yes, above all they all got along.

All the kings came on their own well except for king chun-hee who came with his queen. I mean they all came with a plan to have a good time here

"Are they going to be the last group?"
Sung-ho asked and Jungkook hates himself for knowing the group the man is asking about.

Jungkook knows most of them here have high hopes from the group.

"They will be performing last " Consort Jimin said with a smile. The male smiles a lot, looks kind, has a very welcoming aura and a pleasant scent. Jungkook can see why Yoongi adores the omega.

Jungkook watch different performers come on stage, they laughed when comedians comes on stage it was going just fine

The ceremony is held in a hall, big enough to contain a lot of royals.

A massive stage right in the middle for the performers.

Jungkook won't lie his heart felt happy a bit when the crew was announced. With attentive eyes he watch as the omegas comes in one after the other. Their outfit hasn't changed over the years.

Jungkook's eyes immediately lands an omega male with a blonde hair. He couldn't for the life of him look away.
Their faces were still covered with a mask even as they got up on stage.

Jungkook couldn't see his face but his figure and scent was enough to piqued his interest. The male's curve is what he will call perfection, perfect for him, exactly how he likes them. Perfect bum small waist just perfect Jungkook is about screaming for the male to reveal his face.

Then his scent Jungkook could taste it the male smells exactly like his favourite flower, Hyacinth. How in the name of the gods is he already creaving an omega he hasn't even seen what he looks like

Jungkook didn't waste anytime getting Jimin's attention. He doesn't wait to see his face he knows the boy will be beautiful he feels deep in his guts, honestly if the face is not satisfying then his curves will make up for it.

"The blonde omega comes to me first" He told the consort who nods in understanding before whispering to another male that was writing it down.

Alphas are all that in their world yes, but it's against the law to force any omega to bed, to mate or whatever, everything has to be done by consent.

So yeah he has told Jimin first, that doesn't mean the omega will end up with him tonight, yes the omega will meet him first but he could refuse him and go to another royal that requested him.

No one has ever rejected Jungkook ever! so he won't say he has experienced that before no.

All his attention pulls to the boy as the music starts playing. The omegas slowly pull away their mask and Jungkook lost his breath same time.


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THE CURSED KING // TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now