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Taehyung had told Hoseok that he wanted to take a little break and that him and his brother wanted to go visit Achena.

At first the male had thought he was considering Jungkook's offer. He had assured him that was not the case, Taehyung is pretty sure the male didn't believe him.

Taehyung wanted to tell Hoseok the real reason but he's scared of the male's reaction, plus he's a cousin to consort Jimin.

He wants Jungkook to be the first to know about his broken curse.

Hoseok had said he would help with a horse and someone that will help take them to Achena. Taehyung had almost want to cry.

He told the male he will be coming back soon

No matter what lies ahead of  him Taehyung will never forget Jung Hoseok.


The journey to king's Jungkook's kingdom was everything but fun.

The Alpha that was going with them was kind, understanding and very humble and also a cousin to Hoseok, Taehyung was beginning to wonder how many people Hoseok is related to .

The alpha had said he wanted to make some trade in Achena, Taehyung didn't bother asking the details.
when Hoesok asked him to help lead them there he had agreed. Such a good man, may the gods bless his soul.

Taehyung was beyond tired, he wasn't doing anything but sit behind his brother on their horse

He held onto his brother tight. Jin hyung keeps turning back to look at him asking if he is ok, Taehyung only nods in response.

They ride until the sun starts going down.

"Alpha Young-so" his brother called for the alpha ahead of them. The male stopped turning his horse already to them.

"Can we call it a day? I'm afraid my little brother is not really feeling too strong to continue, and our path is getting darker"

"Yes, there's a safe inn that provides comfortable lodges rooms for travellers, I always stay there whenever I go to Achena, it is safe and very warmly. Just a few miles from here"

"Thank you, please lead the way"

His brother nodge him a little, his head was place on his brother's back.


"Are you ok?"

"I'm fine hyung"

"Just hold on for a bit, don't fall asleep just yet"

Taehyung hums

When they got to the inn, Taehyung and Jin Hyung waited outside for the Alpha to pay for their room.

The place looks nice atleast from the outside, he doesn't know about the inside yet.

The Alpha came outside a few minutes later. "Here's the key to your room" he hands Jin the key. "Over there" he points to the noisy part of the place. 'That's where you will get food or you can always come down here meet that woman over there" He points again to a beta lady sitting at a table outside the inn. "Tell her whatever you want she will get it for you"

They bowed in thanks. "Thank you so much."

"No problem, we will leave very early tommorow, by noon we should be in Achena, so rest well"

Then he is gone.

"What a kind man" His hyung mumurs smiling. Taehyung rest his head on his brother's shoulder, it was uncomfortable with their standing position but whatever.

"Don't tell me you are already falling for him hyung"

"Shut up brat I'm not"

"Why not? He is not tall enough?"

Taehyung lift his head from his brother's shoulder laughing.

"I'm this close to smacking you I swear, come on let's get what to eat before going up to the room."

They choose to ask the woman at the entrance of the lodge to help buy them food instead of going to buy food themselves.

The place was too crowded, not very adviceable for them to go in there.

They went up to the room after telling the woman what they wanted. She had assured them she will bring them what they requested

The inside was ok too. The matress on the wooden bed wasn't too hard

Few minutes later the woman brought up their food. They ate in silence, wash up and climb up the bed.

Before they fell asleep his hyung whispers.

"Are you scared?"

Taehyung answered honestly.



The next day journey was same but shorter, by noon like Young-so said they arrived in Achena.

Just few minutes of stepping inside Achena Taehyung was able to see why they called it the land of wealth and prosperity. Just seeing the small villages he could see how developed and wealthy the kingdom is.

They got to a wide road that had four streets. Young-so turn to them smiling. "This is where we part. That is the road to the capital although you will still pass other small villages before reaching the capital" the male points to the street on the right.

They already told the male they are going to the capital. The palace of every kingdom is in the capital of the kingdom.

"And I am going that way" He points to another street.

Taehyung was the only one on top of their horse, his brother was on his feet but still holds tight to the rein of the horse.

He tried and managed a little head bow.

"Thank you"

"Thank you so much Young-so, may the gods repay you in ten folds, and Young-so-?" his hyung called getting his attention too. "He or she is lucky to have you" The alpha turned red in a matter of second. Completely lost for words.

Taehyung chuckles, the alpha was cute.

The male whispers a quick "Thank you" before ridding off

"Wow hyung how did you know he has someone?" Taehyung asked after the alpha left.

"Because my dear brother it takes a man who is truly in love to not be tempted even in the company of beautiful omegas"

Taehyung laughed not because of what his brother said but because of how he said it.

His brother turned the horse to head to the direction of the capital.

Taehyung did not know what fate awaits him but this moment, right now he is not afraid.


Y'all scared of the omegas in Harlem huh? the omegas in Harlem should be worried Taehyung is stepping foot inside that palace.😭


THE CURSED KING // TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now