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Jungkook had told himself he won't care, he had told himself he won't allow himself to hope.

But he failed, maybe he's weaker than he thought.

The moment he heard the omega went into labor, he couldn't anymore, he couldn't hold back anymore.
He had rushed to the throne room.

His entire council were in the throne room already when he rushed in.

"He went into labor your majesty" Choi states the obvious like he was still trying to tell himself that Taehyung made it this far. He's voice was so small

"Don't cry on me Choi" They all chuckle. Jungkook can almost taste the tension not just in this throne room but in the kingdom of Achena

They couldn't go to the clinic where the omega is so they waited here.

The council already summon the chief priest, just in case...just in case Taehyung gives birth.

If Taehyung gives birth, it means the omega didn't lie... Oh god! it means the omega didn't lie. It means...

The thought of it alone is almost bringing tears to his eyes

only one step is needed to confirm the child has his blood. Just-

Jungkook wants the omega to survive, he's praying for the omega to survive. In the end he's holding on to hope.

Hope that he lost years ago.

It's been four hours now, four hours since the news. No one was thinking of moving, no one was thinking of doing anything.

The news of the entire kingdom shuting down has reached him, shops are closed, business shut down. Everyone, men,women and children in Achena has made it to the palace gate.

The entire palace maids, guards and even the millitery are all outside the clinic.

Jungkook should have just declared today a national holiday in the kingdom of Achena

He stood up from his throne and dropped himself on the floor, head resting on the seat.


He lifts his hand to tell them it is ok.

He has tried to hold on, to look strong, pretend he didn't care but he can't anymore. He was but a man. A man that has wanted something for years.

A tear slipped down his cheek, he let his vulnerable side show to his council. He let himself be a man that has been deprived of something he's longed for, for a century.

"Your highness" Jungkook turns his head to the side and see Namjoon, he had tears in his eyes too. "I brought you water"

Jungkook wipe his face with his hand and offer the male a small smile

"Thank you, how is the situation?" Namjoon is the one that has been riding back and forth, giving them the details of Taehyung's condition.

Namjoon sat on the floor beside him

"It's getting tough your highness, he's finding it difficult to shift"

Jungkook knows Taehyung has to shift to give birth.

"I just want this to-" His voice cracks an indication he's about breaking down. He swallowed the tears

"Do you believe him your highness?"

Jungkook let the question linger in the air.

"I want it to be true Namjoon, are my being stupid for hoping?"

"Then I am stupid, your entire council are stupid, the people outside the clinic praying for a miracle are all stupid, the crowd outside the gate are all stupid. Today in the kingdom of Achena we all stupid"

Jungkook can help but chuckle

"Are there last believers like me?"

Namjoon smiles.

"Yes, as the month progresses and nothing happened to him, instead he was looking even more healthy. People who didn't believe started to believe. I think today was it for everyone. We have people who believes and people who are praying and hoping"

"Hmm, i know you're one of the people who first believed him.

"From the first day your highness"

"Does it have anything to do with his brother?" Namjoon turned all shy

"Y-your highness"

"I know Namjoon, you should know I know everything that happens in my palace." Jungkook said still smiling. This was a good distraction. "You like him?"

"I love him your highness but no, me believing Taehyung had nothing to do with how I feel about his brother"

Love... Jungkook let's himself to dwell on the word.

"Tell me how you know you love him" Namjoon looks taken aback

"I j-ust I think about him all the time, I want what's best for him all the time. I hate to see him hurt, i feel at peace just seeing him smile that I'm willing to do anything to make sure he keeps smiling. Everything he does is just so beautiful to me. I want to protect him at all cost, the thoughts of him hurting in any way hurts more than anything. When I see anything pretty I think about him, I think about how it will look on h-"

"Namjoon" Jungkook cuts him off. "I get it " They both chuckle "And you're willing to give your life for him too correct?"

"In a heartbeat"

Jungkook turn to look at the male again and shook his head.

"Be honest with me your highness have you ever felt any of this for any omega?"

Bold question and Jungkook didn't need to think twice.

"Taehyung" he breathes out staring at the high ceiling "He's the only one I've ever missed to the point it hurts. I wanted him by my side at all cost, and when he told me that- I felt hurt like the way I've never felt before. I wanted to save him Namjoon, the first time he told me, I wanted him out of here for him. And during that- " he shook his head. "I j-ust - I have never been scared for anyone in my life, he made me feel things I never thought were possible to feel"

He turns to face a smiling Namjoon. "I think you were on the verge of falling in love your majesty, if this didn't happen you would have been long deep in it and I still think it will happen"

"Listen to yourself Namjoon, I was cursed to never feel love.

"When the child is born, and the final test proves the child is yours, I think we'll get our answer about the curse"

Jungkook stares at Namjoon, not having a response to that.

Another three hours later, Jungkook was almost lying on the floor. Some of the elders were lying on the floor already. Nobody really cared about positions or their expensive royal robe at the moment.

Then the howl came, loud and terrifying.

They all scrambled to their feets


Omg don't kill your sweet innocent darling author-nim  🤭

You gotta start getting use to how I write come on🙃

Love you my dearest readers 😉

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