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It has been three weeks, three weeks since Jungkook met the blonde beauty in Yoongi's kingdom.

Three weeks of constant thinking of the omega, three weeks of not being able to get the male off his head.

During the day Jungkook is too busy handling the affairs of the kingdom to dwell on certain thoughts but at night like today lying in his bed all alone he allows his thoughts to dwell on the memories he created weeks ago. He couldn't even stop himself even though he wanted to.

Jungkook won't lie, he had expected the male to show up, that was the main reason he gave him his seal, I mean who turns down such opportunity.

Well Kim Taehyung did, Jeon Jungkook was turned down. first in history.

His reasons pisses him off though, litreally no alpha stays with one omega, except maybe a poor one that can't afford to take care of more, even a poor alpha still takes more than one mate. So ridiculous

Then the mating reason. No Jungkook doesn't want to be mated to any one, it is pure waste, why is he mating when he won't even get an offspring off it.

Then he will be tied to one omega during his rut except maybe he mates more omegas, which is just plain ridiculous.

Jungkook chuckles, the sound filling his quite chamber

Omega comes and go, that's it.


"Taehyung are you ok?

No I'm not

"Yes yes just need a little break" he lied

"Maybe you should go home"

"No Hoseok I will be fine I promise" Taehyung rushed to say, he doesn't want to go home

"Taehyung you look really pale, just go home ok? Tomorow is another day"

Taehyung reluctantly nods. Hoseok helps him get his bag, he says goodbye to others before making his way out

They had done an audition and chosen six preety omegas. Taehyung wasn't there at the audition, he had met them in their practice room.

They were nice though, but so is everyone one in a new place..time will tell who is who.

Now they were just practicing, litreally they were all new excluding Hoseok. so constant practicing till when they will be invited to perform.

Taehyung makes his way back home, he knows his brother won't be home at the moment. He's been feeling weak all week and he's been playing it off but the moment it starts affecting his dancing Taehyung has to do something.

His hyung had suggested he should go to the clinic. Clinic in the village cost a leg litrealy, except they have to go the puplic clinic in the capital, a journey Taehyung doesn't think he has the strength to take.

Taehyung would just check the one here, it's not like they don't have the money, they do. Teahyung has sold off all those royal material and jewelries I mean where in the name of the gods is he suppose to dress like a royalty to. So yeah it was not needed.


Oh no not this guy again,keep walking Taehyung pretend you didn't hear.


Heavens! just go away

"Yes" he finally turned when he knew the alpha won't give up soon

"I stopped by your hut earlier."

"As you can see I was not around"

"I know that is why I waited"

Taehyung was just too tired for this

"What do you want Soojun" Taehyung couldn't hide his irritation.

Ever since him and his brother moved closer to the village the advances skyrocketed.
It's getting worst, even alphas with hundred omega still wants to add him and his brother to that number.

Ok hundred is highly exaggerated but whatever.

The alpha looks a little surprised, before composing himself again, the need to dominate never leaving them for a second.

"I want you to join me tonight"

"I'm sorry?"

"I said I want you to join me tonight for the moon celebration at the town square"

"Why would I want to go with you?" Ok that stroked a nerve.

Soojun pumped up his chest, trying so hard to look bigger than him. Taehyung is taller than the Alpha so all his effort is all in vain.

"I am an alpha Taehyung and I have shown my interest in you that is why I want you to join me tonight"

How about you shove your interest up you ass

"I see, Soojun I have made it clear I do not wish in any way want to acknowledge your interest"

Soojun eyebrows twitch, clearly annoyed. At times like this Taehyung is thankful to the gods for the law of consent. If not, he doesn't even want to imagine what would have happened especially rejecting over grown fools like this, who don't know how to take rejections.


How about cause you talk and the spits that flies out from your mouth is enough to fill a dry river, or the fact I don't like you, like at ALL

"Soojun I'm just not interested" Taehyung said as gentle as he could, he just wants to go home. "I need to go, I need some rest"

"Taehyung you will never find any better alpha than me, get that into your head just because you are pretty you think you can play us all around?"

Oh heavens! I'm going home soaked in spit today.

"Soojun I have not in any way played around with anyone in any way, i make my standing clear right from the beginning, please let me be, I had a really terrible day"

Taehyung makes his way to walk pass the Alpha

"Mark my words Taehyung you will regret turning me down."

"Not even in another world" Taehyung mumbles to himself.


"Hyung I want to go to the clinic tomorrow" His hyung has been back from work like 30 minutes ago

"Finally, what made you change your mind?"

"I almost collapse today while practicing"

"Oh, ok then but I'll reach the shop first and beg the owner for a few minutes to accompany you"

"Hyung if it is too much problem I can go alone"

"No way I'm going with you"

Taehyung nods not even ready to start arguing with his hyung.


Tell me you guys already know where this is going 😩
Why do I like doing this? Ok the whole story revolves around it I guess🤔

The road will be tough but Tae's character is just so brave in this fic, he's going to face it all bravely.

Double update❌

Bye lovelies

THE CURSED KING // TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now