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Ok this is getting interesting it sounds fun. Taehyung thought, suddenly interested in the game

They tied up king Jungkook's eyes, double wrapped the material.

The mc walked up to their table. "If you know the king knows you enough,don't talk, just raise your hand and walk out."

Two people from king Jungkook's council stood up smiling, king Yoongi stood up too, Namjoon did too and- Joda... the audacity like for what!

No one bats an eye, the fact she's even here proof in some way she is important to Jungkook which is why no one batted an eye when she also stood up.

They all formed a line

The omega girl walked to their table and spray the whatever scent blocker on the first two on the line, the two members of king Jungkook's council.

The first on the line walked over to Jungkook stretch his hand, the king held it.

"Do you know who that is your Highness?"

"No" Jungkook said smiling through the blindfold.

They all laughed, same thing happened with the second person.

Then it was Namjoon's turn who shook his head and laugh when Jungkook didn't recognize him.

Taehyung laughs too, it's fun

"Taehyung you should go" Hoseok whispers to him.

"No" Taehyung finds it ridiculous. "If he can't recognize the people he's known all his life is it me?" He tries to think how many times Jungkook has held his hand.

Joda walked up next, the mc had asked her to remove her loud noise making shoe

Taehyung holds his breath.

He burst out laughing when Jungkook said no

This is really fun indeed

King Yoongi was up next when Jungkook said no, the male held his heart in hurt expression walking to the table.

They all laughed.

"Any one else wants to try" the mc asked. Taehyung didn't even know what prompted him to lift his hand.

Well it's all a game, it's not like he expects the result to be different.

The mc smiles at him, the blocker was spread on his scent gland. He took in a deep breath, It's just a game.

He dramatically bows to the table they all smile and claps, especially Jungkook's council members who seems to be his number one cheer men..

Taehyung walked towards Jungkook and reach out to touch his hand, king Jungkook held it smiling, then the smile slipped off his face.

"Your highness do-"


Taehyung let out a gasp, the rest of the people weren't even better. Jungkook stood up pulled away the blindfold, hooks his arms on his waist, he pulled him towards his body and kissed him

Taehyung wasn't shocked for long, he kissed back hard and all wet.

Then the cheering came

He remembers where he was and pulled away from Jungkook's hot wet mouth.

And ran

Even with all the shout of his name he didn't stop.


Jungkook thought the game was ridiculous,there's no way he was going to be able to know any of them by holding their palm

Still he plays along because well it's a game.

THE CURSED KING // TAEKOOK ✔️Where stories live. Discover now