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Taehyung woke up to a very familiar chamber. His hyung was beside him, he must have fallen asleep at some point. He doesn't know how long he's been asleep then-

"My child" his voice was more of a whisper "hyung, my c-child" Then he was coughing uncontrollably.

"Taehyung, hold on" His hyung rushed and gets him water

After drinking the water he tries again.

"Hyung" it came out clearer. "Where's my child"

"Relax Tae, he's ok, he's fine, he's with the king, he won't let him out of his sight"


"He, yes Taehyung a son" His hyung said with a smile that looks too wide for his face.

Taehyung relax back into the soft mattress.

"Hmm so the truth is out" He let out bitterly, he's bitter sue him.

"Taehyung you have no idea what happened today, the entire kingdom is inside the palace, there's a huge celebration going on-"

He's hyung dived into everything that happened. Taehyung smiles, he's happy he was able to contribute to such happiness.

"Guess what they are calling you now"

Taehyung snorts "what?"

"Achena's miracle"

"Hmm sounds about right they should start kissing the ground I walk on"


The both laughed.

"I'm so proud of you Taehyung"

"Thank you for believing in me hyung"

"Shut up I told you to stop bringing that up"


"I'm this close to smacking you"

"Watch me call the armys of Achena on you" Taehyung said smiling.

"I swear-" his hyung said hitting his hand lightly

"You dare touch the miracle of Achena?" Taehyung said dramatically
"Guards" he shouts laughing

Taehyung was shocked when guards actually runs inside with swords looking around.



Jin was too busy laughing

Taehyung looks back to the guards with an awkward laugh

"I unhm didn't really call you? I was just playing around so off you go" The three guards just kept looking around
"Can you go away I'm safe"  They bowed before they turned and walked out.

"Hyung what's going on?"

"I told you, you're the miracle of the kingdom, the king assigned them, trust me they'll do it even if he didn't"

"Why would they be guarding me in here, and what are my even doing here?"

"The king asked for you to be brought here"

"Why? Suddenly he wants me close, what a joke"

"Calm down Tae, your body is not strong enough for this, just don't think about that now. You will have time to talk to him"

"What if I don't want to talk to him"

"Taehyung, you have a child with him, you can't avoid him, especially when he's refused to let the child out of his sight"

THE CURSED KING // TAEKOOK ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant