Chapter 2

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I was dancing for half an hour before some prick squeezed my ass, I immediately turned around, grabbed his wrist and twisted it. I looked the prick up and down, he had small, mousy brown eyes and a buzz cut, even though he was skinny he still had ever so slightly defined muscles on his bare torso, as if he had just recent started working out. I looked him dead in the eyes and twisted his wrist again, stopping just before the breaking point. He winced in pain as his smirk was quickly replaced with look of confusion and fear, his two goons behind him stopped laughing. "if you ever touch me again, I'll break it" I said before letting go, he cradled his wrist in his arm like a four year old and mumbled "psycho"
" What was that?" I hissed, glaring at him
"N-nothing" he stuttered, before scuttling off like a scared toddler. I smirked and carried on dancing, ignoring the stares I was getting from the small audience we had attracted.

Three drinks later I started shoving my way through the sea of people, in search of the bathroom. After a while of pushing, shoving, and hundreds of excuse me's, I finally exited the kitchen and found myself at the entrance of the house, I decided to climb the wide, marble staircase, to my left. "Stop-op, l-leave me alone" said, a distressed, girls voice. I don't know why, but all of a sudden instinct kicked in, and I ran.
I sprinted up the stairs, toward the voice, a bad feeling in my gut. "P-please leave me a-alone"
"C'mon, lets have some fun" I heard a voice say, this time is was male and slurred. I ran faster. I followed the voices to the end of a corridor, and gritted my teeth when I saw what was going on. There he was, the prick that squeezed my ass, just 20 minutes ago, with his goons. He had a tight hold on a her waist, pushing her against the door, trying to kiss her. "Leave her alone!" I shouted at the prick, he turned to face me "make me" he said, before kissing her neck and squeezing her breast, she squirmed under his touch "fine!" I said. I stormed toward him, shoving his friends out the way. I grabbed his hand off her breast and pulled him away from her. I tugged his arm behind his back and twisted it, he screamed a loud, high pitched scream. "Remember when I said I'd break your wrist if you touched me again?" I whispered in his ear "b-but i didn't t-touch you" he squeaked "exactly, but you touched someone else, so I'm breaking your arm instead." I hissed, before twisting it one last time. Crack.
I let go of his arm and shoved him to floor, "you broke my fucking arm!" He screamed as his friends helped him up," bitch" one of his friends snapped at me, I never let people get away with calling me bitch, so I punched him, hard, right in nose, blood gushed from it as he yelped "she broke me nose!" He screamed, "I'll break something else if you don't leave right now" I hissed and with that they scurried off.

I turned to the girl, she was now sat on the floor, against the wall, her knees up to her chest. I crouched down in front of her, "you ok?" I asked, genuinely worried for her. "Y-yeah I'm fine, thank you" she said, scrabbling to her feet. She was small, probably only around 5 foot, a lot smaller than me, being 5'11. She had dark, soft skin, with small freckles decorating her nose and upper cheeks, she had big, captivating, deep brown eyes with long black eyelashes, her hair was absolutely gorgeous, it was black, big and curly, it went down to her ear lobe, most of it was flipped onto the right side. Then my eyes dropped down to her lips, my god her lips, they were dark, and full, perfectly shaped. My god she's beautiful. I saw her studying my face as well, looking intently at my big hazel eyes, tanned skin, and full lips, though they weren't as full and beautiful as hers. We studied each other for while before I snapped out of it, "are you ok? Did they hurt you?" I asked, checking her for bruises and cuts, I didn't know why, but the thought of her being hurt angered and scared me. She smiled "I'm fine, though I don't know what would've happened if you hadn't shown up" she said, in a soft voice, looking deeply into my eyes. "God, this is so embarrassing, in not usually like this...this weak" she said, covering her face with her small hands, I plucked them away from her face, not wanting her to cover such beauty. "It's not your fault, by the size of your pupils, and the obvious weakness in your legs and arms, it seems they drugged you" I said, trying to stay calm, but my blood was boiling at the thought of someone hurting her. Why was I feeling like this? "That makes sense" she says, with a sad smile "is anyone here with you, who can take you home?" I asked anxiously, looking at the clock on the wall-4:30- I needed to start heading home. "Yeah, I came with my friend, I think he's downstairs somewhere"
"C'mon, I'll help you find him" I said, putting my arm around her waist to help steady her.
We found him relatively quickly, frantically running around the house trying to find her "Raf! I'm here!" She called out to him, he rushed over to us. "Oh my god, are you ok? I've been looking everywhere for you!" He said, inspecting her with a worried look on his face "I think she was drugged, can you take her home? Give her plenty of water and let her sleep, she may have a headache when she wakes up, but other than that she should be fine" I said letting go of her and letting Raf take her instead. "Ok, thanks for helping her" he replied, with a grateful smile before rushing out the door with her. I was glad that she was in safe hands and was going to be ok but at the same time I didn't want to see her go. shit, I forgot to get her name, now I'm never gonna see her again- wait, why do I even want to see again I mean she's jut a random girl I helped, right? I glanced up at the huge, posh clock on the right of the front door-4:48-oh god, I really need to get home now.

Hey guys, thanks for reading this far!! Hope you enjoyed it!!

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